Up | Example 01 - Calculate Area | Example 02 - Calculate mean value | Example 03 - Manipulate the results from two LineFinders | Example 04 - Dynamic threshold | Example 05 - Auto Exposure | Example 06 - DrawLine | Example 07 - Overlays | Example 08 - Python Objects | Example 09 - Timing | Example 10 - Image Averaging | Example 11 - Image Resampling | Example 12 - Constant Contrast | Example 13 - Serial Communication | Example 14 - Python results | Example 15 - Making a result string | Example 16 - Running tools from a script | Example 17 - Image Manipulation using Python Scripting | Example 18 - Calculating the median angle | Example 19 - Iterating objects located by a blob | Example 20 - Resampling using non-linear calibration | Example 21 - Custom Scorpion Python extension | Example 22 - Accessing Image Pixels | Example 23 - Implementing a tcp/ip Socket Server | Example 24 - Setting ExternalReference from calculated four points | Example 25 - Rotating a reference around in a circle | Example 26 - Grabbing an image from an MOXA Video IP Server | Example 27 - Toolbox Switch | Example 28 - Color Matcher Iteration | Example 29 - Audio Notification | Example 30 - Windows MessageBox | Example 31 -  Client to tcp Socket Server | Example 32 -  Read / Write External Data from / to file | Example 33 - Changing a tool's ROI | Example 34 - Histogram Equalization | Example 35 - Robust Adam 6060 scripts | Example 36 - Bubblesort | Example 37 - Element Statistics | Example 38 - Saving 3D Image | Example 39 - Disabling Zoom in Image Windows | Example 40 - Filtering timeseries | Example 41 - Scorpion Watchdog keep system running | Example 42 - Binary Search | Example 43 - Creating an ordered pointcloud | Example 44 - UDP Socket Communication



Example 20 - Resampling using non-linear calibration


The powerful reference system in Scorpion is also available to Python scripts. This example shows how a non-linear camera correction description (a Calibrator) can be utilized from Python to resample an image, eliminating the non-linear lens distortion.

Note that in normal operation with Scorpion this is never necessary. All tools that refer to a Calibrator will have similar corrections done automatically.

The test profile is named CalibResamp and is included with the Scorpion distribution.

  • The toolbox contains a Calibrator
  • Results from the calibrator are read in a Python script tool, and are used to resample the calibrator image

The script:

import arr,geom

name1 = '1'
name2 = '2'

# calibrator object -- we need to get the calib file name from this
calibTool = 'Calibrator'

# dot distance in mm for calibration
dist = 30.0

# Starting UL corner in original image (in millimeters) - just outside blobs
min_x = -dist/2
min_y = -dist/2

# size of resampled image
pix_mm = 1.0 # pixels per millimeter
size_x = 600 # height pixels
size_y = 690 # width pixels

# Get calib object from file, and extract pinCal matrix
calfile = GetValue('System.Profile')+'/'+GetConfigValue(calibTool+'.FileName')
calib = arr.loadArr(calfile)
pinCal = geom.m33f()
pinCal.data = calib.pinCal[0]

# Create grid with requested pixels pr. mm
grid = arr.gridPoints(size_x,size_y,1)
scal = geom.scal(pix_mm,pix_mm)
xlat = geom.xlat(min_x,min_y)
grid *= (scal*xlat)
grid = arr.toFix(arr.objToPix(calib,grid,pinCal))

# Grab image
im1 = GetImageMatr(name1)

# Resample
im2 = arr.toUint8(arr.bilInterpolate(im1,grid))

# Show resampled image

The short description is: a regular grid of positions in the calibrator coordinates is generated, spaced 1mm apart. These positions are then converted to equivalent positions in the real image (pixel coordinates), and the image is finally resampled at these positions, resulting in an image with both the perspective and the lens artifacts removed.

There are several things to notice in this script. First, the "calib" object from the Calibrator tool must be loaded from file. A Calibrator always saves its results when its "Compute" button is pressed, and the loadArr routine is used to read this information. A detailed description of the calib structure is beyond the scope of this example.

To generate a correction grid, the positions are first given in the coordinate system resulting from the Calibrator tool (in mm). This grid is sent to the function objToPix along with the calib object. Note the use of the toFix function -- this is not necessary, but makes the interpolation routine work considerably faster.



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