Help on class Serial in module serial.serialwin32:
class Serial(serial.serialutil.SerialBase)
 |  Serial port implemenation for Win32. This implemenatation requires a 
 |  win32all installation.
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      Serial
 |      serial.serialutil.SerialBase
 |      serial.serialutil.FileLike
 |      __builtin__.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  close(self)
 |      Close port
 |  flushInput(self)
 |      Clear input buffer, discarding all that is in the buffer.
 |  flushOutput(self)
 |      Clear output buffer, aborting the current output and
 |      discarding all that is in the buffer.
 |  getCD(self)
 |      Read terminal status line: Carrier Detect
 |  getCTS(self)
 |      Read terminal status line: Clear To Send
 |  getDSR(self)
 |      Read terminal status line: Data Set Ready
 |  getRI(self)
 |      Read terminal status line: Ring Indicator
 |  inWaiting(self)
 |      Return the number of characters currently in the input buffer.
 |  makeDeviceName(self, port)
 |  open(self)
 |      Open port with current settings. This may throw a SerialException
 |      if the port cannot be opened.
 |  read(self, size=1)
 |      Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
 |      return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
 |      until the requested number of bytes is read.
 |  sendBreak(self)
 |      Send break condition.
 |  setDTR(self, level=1)
 |      Set terminal status line: Data Terminal Ready
 |  setRTS(self, level=1)
 |      Set terminal status line: Request To Send
 |  setXON(self, level=True)
 |      Platform specific - set flow state.
 |  write(self, s)
 |      Output the given string over the serial port.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  BAUDRATES = (50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4...
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from serial.serialutil.SerialBase:
 |  __init__(self, port=None, baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=None, xonxoff=0, rtscts=0)
 |      Initialize comm port object. If a port is given, then the port will be
 |      opened immediately. Otherwise a Serial port object with in clsoed state
 |      is returned.
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      String representation of the current port settings and its state.
 |  getBaudrate(self)
 |      Get the current baudrate setting.
 |  getByteSize(self)
 |      Get the current byte size setting.
 |  getParity(self)
 |      Get the current parity setting.
 |  getPort(self)
 |      get the current port setting. The value that was passed on init or using
 |      setPort() is passed back. See also the attribute portstr which contains
 |      the name of the port as a string.
 |  getRtsCts(self)
 |      Get the current RtsCts setting.
 |  getStopbits(self)
 |      Get the current stopbits setting.
 |  getSupportedBaudrates(self)
 |  getSupportedByteSizes(self)
 |  getSupportedParities(self)
 |  getSupportedStopbits(self)
 |  getTimeout(self)
 |      Get the current timeout setting.
 |  getXonXoff(self)
 |      Get the current XonXoff setting.
 |  isOpen(self)
 |      Check if the port is opened.
 |  setBaudrate(self, baudrate)
 |      Change baudrate.
 |  setByteSize(self, bytesize)
 |      Change byte size.
 |  setParity(self, parity)
 |      Change parity setting.
 |  setPort(self, port)
 |      Change the port. The attribute portstr is set to a string that
 |      contains the name of the port.
 |  setRtsCts(self, rtscts)
 |      Change RtsCts setting.
 |  setStopbits(self, stopbits)
 |      Change stopbits size.
 |  setTimeout(self, timeout)
 |      Change timeout setting.
 |  setXonXoff(self, xonxoff)
 |      Change XonXoff setting.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Properties inherited from serial.serialutil.SerialBase:
 |  baudrate
 |      <get> = getBaudrate(self)
 |          Get the current baudrate setting.
 |      <set> = setBaudrate(self, baudrate)
 |          Change baudrate.
 |      <delete> = 'Baudrate setting'
 |  bytesize
 |      <get> = getByteSize(self)
 |          Get the current byte size setting.
 |      <set> = setByteSize(self, bytesize)
 |          Change byte size.
 |      <delete> = 'Byte size setting'
 |  parity
 |      <get> = getParity(self)
 |          Get the current parity setting.
 |      <set> = setParity(self, parity)
 |          Change parity setting.
 |      <delete> = 'Parity setting'
 |  port
 |      <get> = getPort(self)
 |          get the current port setting. The value that was passed on init or using
 |          setPort() is passed back. See also the attribute portstr which contains
 |          the name of the port as a string.
 |      <set> = setPort(self, port)
 |          Change the port. The attribute portstr is set to a string that
 |          contains the name of the port.
 |      <delete> = 'Port setting'
 |  rtscts
 |      <get> = getRtsCts(self)
 |          Get the current RtsCts setting.
 |      <set> = setRtsCts(self, rtscts)
 |          Change RtsCts setting.
 |      <delete> = 'RTS/CTS setting'
 |  stopbits
 |      <get> = getStopbits(self)
 |          Get the current stopbits setting.
 |      <set> = setStopbits(self, stopbits)
 |          Change stopbits size.
 |      <delete> = 'Stopbits setting'
 |  timeout
 |      <get> = getTimeout(self)
 |          Get the current timeout setting.
 |      <set> = setTimeout(self, timeout)
 |          Change timeout setting.
 |      <delete> = 'Timeout setting'
 |  xonxoff
 |      <get> = getXonXoff(self)
 |          Get the current XonXoff setting.
 |      <set> = setXonXoff(self, xonxoff)
 |          Change XonXoff setting.
 |      <delete> = 'Xon/Xoff setting'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from serial.serialutil.SerialBase:
 |  BYTESIZES = (5, 6, 7, 8)
 |  PARITIES = ('N', 'E', 'O')
 |  STOPBITS = (1, 2)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from serial.serialutil.FileLike:
 |  flush(self)
 |      flush of file like objects
 |  readline(self, size=None, eol='\n')
 |      read a line which is terminated with end-of-line (eol) character
 |              ('
 |      ' by default) or until timeout
 |  readlines(self, sizehint=None, eol='\n')
 |      read a list of lines, until timeout
 |      sizehint is ignored
 |  writelines(self, sequence)
 |  xreadlines(self, sizehint=None)
 |      just call readlines - here for compatibility
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from serial.serialutil.FileLike:
 |  __dict__ = <dictproxy object at 0x01100C50>
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'FileLike' objects>
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

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