Up | Example 01 - ComboBox | Example 02 - ListBox | Example 03 - Labels class derived from Winforms.Panel | Example 04 - Button with Resize Event | Example 05 - CheckBox | Example 06 - GroupBox | Example 07 - Modeless Status Dialog | Example 08 -Timer | Example 09 -TextBox | Example 10 - Custom Button Class | Example 11 - Product Selection ComboBox | Example 12 - Simple ListView



Example 03 - Labels class derived from Winforms.Panel
The following defines the definition and the creation of a WinForms.Panel class
class Labels(WinForms.Panel):
  def __init__(self):

    self.BorderStyle = WinForms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    self.rows = 7
    self.hSpace = 30

    self.Size = Size(300,100)
    #self.Location = Point(10,10)

    self.Dock = WinForms.DockStyle.Bottom # Left | Right | Fill

    self.labels = []
    # Create the label (after the numericupdown to avoid hiding)
    for i0 in range(self.rows):
      self.labels[i0].Parent = self
      self.labels[i0].Size = Size(200,self.hSpace)
      self.labels[i0].Location = Point((self.Width-self.labels[i0].Width)/2,self.hSpace*(i0+1))
      self.labels[i0].Text = "Line" + str(i0)
      newFont = Font(self.labels[i0].Font.FontFamily.Name,20.0)
      self.labels[i0].Font = newFont
      self.labels[i0].ForeColor = Color.Green
      self.labels[i0].TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter

    # Register event handler for Resize
    self.Resize += self.ResizeHandler

    def ResizeHandler(self, sender, args):
    # Handles the Resize event

      print 'Resize Left: ',self.Left
      print 'Resize Top: ',self.Top
      print 'Resize Width: ',self.Width
      print 'Resize Height: ',self.Height

    self.hSpace = max(200,self.Height) / (self.rows )
    for i0 in range(self.rows):
      self.labels[i0].Location = Point((self.Width-self.labels[i0].Width)/2,self.hSpace*(i0))

    def SetLine(self, lineNo, text):

       if 0 < lineNo < self.rows :
         self.labels[lineNo-1].Text = text

    def GetLine(self, lineNo):

      if 0 < lineNo < self.rows :
        text = str( self.labels[lineNo-1].Text )
        return text
        return '-'

Example 1: Create Labels in another Panel

self.Labels = Labels()
self.Labels.Parent = self
self.Labels.Size = Size(200,200)
self.Labels.Location = Point(0,500)

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