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Complete arrlib function list

This list can be achieved by typing

for v in dir(arrlib): print v

All elements from this list has its own help support, e.g.,

print help(arrlib.xyf)

A somewhat twisted syntax is used to document most functions: Function parameters are described using C syntax (where "arr" denotes a large object); return parameters use a special Python syntax.

Note that many of the functions accept one or more parameters of type arr. This is a pointer, and means any large object. A type check of the object is performed, and an object of the wrong kind will cause an error. In some cases, several object types are accepted (e.g., the conversion functions).

These types can be returned:

  • N - PyArr object
  • i - integer
  • f - float
  • d - double
  • B - blob tuple

Tuples are always written surrounded by (), as in (ff) - a tuple of two floats. Two such tuples returned simultaneously is ((ff)(ff)). Everything is returned as tuples from these functions, but Python automatically converts a tuple with only one element to its contents. Because of this (and since this list is autogenerated) the help text can contain too many parentheses. For example, a tuple av two floats is written as ((ff)) in the help, but the real value returned to Python is (ff). Two tuples returned is given correctly as ((ff)(ff)). An empty () means nothing is returned.


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