Python is the glue that makes Scorpion
extremely flexible. To enjoy the benefits of Python it is recommended
to install the following:
Python Home -
- The fastest growing and best Open-Source scripting language
Python 2.4.3 is used for Scorpion or higher
- When installing Scorpion all the necessary python glue for
basic operation is installed
- Installing Python 2.3 will add all the modules in
the standard python with complete documentation
- Included is also the interactive development tool
- Is available on the Scorpion CD
- Python 2.4 helpfile
Hammond's Python Extensions for Win32
- Scorpion or higher - compatibility
Note: When installing Python for Windows Extentions 209 we have seen
problems with locating extention modules -
- import this
file - after unpacking the
into the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\2.4\PythonPath using
registry editor - will fix the problem for english version -
verify path names for other systems
for .Net
Python for .NET is a near-seamless integration of
the Python runtime with the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR). It
lets you script and build applications in Python, using CLR services
and components written in any language that targets the CLR (C#,
Managed C++, VB.NET, etc.).
.Net is supported from Scorpion Vision Software 4.2
Python for .Net requires .Net Framework 1.1 -
.NET Framework 1.1 SDK - 106 MByte is available from
Microsoft to download free of charge
Python for .Net requires a full Python installation
Python Modules
pySerial 2.2
- 30 kByte is used for both python 2.3 and 2.4
Can be used to access any serial port from Scorpion
Ideal for stepper motor control / lcd display or
serial io
The module requires a valid Python Installation
pySerial is open source and available on Source
Forge - pySerial
and on the Scorpion CD
Scorpion 3D - Required for advanced 3D solutions under Scorpion 7.0
and higher
Scorpion 3D requires the following libraries:
Intel Integrated Performance Primitives - IPP - Scorpion 7.2
Scorpion Arrlib is compiled with support for IPP. This improves the
speed of resampling.
Download this package and add it to the Scorpion path. Should be
located in the IPP folder.