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OPC server access requires that you:

  • Know how to insert an ActiveX plugin into Scorpion
  • Knowledge about OPC concept and features
  • Are familiar with Python scripting

More on Installation - Setup - Documentation and Examples

Accessing OPC Servers from Scorpion

An OPC server is capable of maintaining process variables based on data types as defined in COM/OLE.  
An OPC server is identified using a servername and an accesspoint.  The OPC server exposes a set of process variables as ASCII names.  
OPC is a standard and many companies in the automation business implement an OPC server for accessing their equipment.  
In order to find the right OPC server variable names you must consult the OPC server’s documentation or try to browse the server with a 
client capable of browsing such as the SIEMENS OPC Scout.

You can add OPC server support to your Scorpion project by installing AnOpcClientX.ocx - an ActiveX with a companion Python module anopcclientx.py.

In order to use AnOpcClientX for OPC server access you must complete the to do list below:

  1. It is recommended to have a OPC Client Software installed
  2. Register AnOpcClientX.ocx using the setup program or use regsvr32
  3. Identify the servername of the OPC server
  4. Identify the accesspoint of the OPC server
  5. Identify the variable names you are going to access
  6. Insert AnOpcClientX as a Scorpion plugin
  7. Copy the anopcclientx.py file to your project's Python directory
  8. Write code in Central.Start to setup the connection to the OPC server
    1. Set the ServerName property
    2. Set the AccessPoint property
    3. Connect
    4. Add OPC items
  9. Trap the OnChangeDataStr handler
    • When a subscribed OPC item changes value or state a notification is posted through this handler
  10. Add code to read or write OPC Items
  11. Write code in Central.Stop 
    • Disconnect

Hint: In order to find the correct server name and tag names an OPC Client software must be opened and used for browsing for the server name and tag names of the installed server. Normally the OPC server software packages used, have an OPC client software that can be used for this.


When you add the AnOpcClientX component to your application you will see this:

There are 2 TABS.  The Monitor TAB shows any active OPC variables.  The Events tab shows system events.  
This is the place to look if erroneous operation is suspected.

In the lower part of the control there is a status bar  with 3 panels.  The leftmost panel gives you the state of the connection.  
It will light up in green color if a successful connection is established.  The panel in the middle with the text QA is RED if data with bad quality is received.  
The rightmost panel contains the last error encountered and turns RED and remains so until the user acknowledges the message by clicking on the panel.


Scorpion Vision Software is capable of using ActiveX Controls – but with some limitations:

  • Support only the basic datatypes:
    • strings
    • integers
  • The method interface is string based. 
    • You have to format parameter lists as strings with item/value pairs.
  • The function/method returns are string based
    • again as item/value pairs.

Conclusion:  ActiveX access requires a bit of programming.

To make things easier a Python module anopcclientx.py is supplied. 

This module contains a class AnOpcClientX which uses an 
Xml gateway in the AnOpcClientX ActiveX. 

The gateway is implemented as a method accepting an xml string as input, returning an xml string as output. 

The xml gateway implements a “remote procedure call” mechanism in the ActiveX.

The Python class exposes a minimum set of methods required for accessing AnOpcClientX. 

AnOpcClientX has a string based event interface as well – particularly well suited for Python integration.  

Add the AnOpcClientX to a Scorpion Profile

  1. Start Scorpion Vision Software. 

  2. Enter the service mode and select the Advanced TAB. 

  3. Select the Central TAB and the Plugins sub TAB.  

  4. Press the New Page TAB and give it the name OPC. 

  5. Then insert a new control and select AnOpcClientX.

Scorpion now imports all the methods and events exposed by the control.  The control is now appearing within the plugin panel you selected.

The next thing to do is to make sure that anopcclientx.py is available to Scorpion. 

  1. Add it to the Python subdirectory of your profile

Note: It can also be available in the Scorpion Vision Distribution - Python directory

Importing anopcclientx

In Scorpion the Central.Start script is executed every time Scorpion starts.  The Central.Stop script is executed just 
before scorpion terminates.  This means the Central.Start is the right place to import the anopcclientx.py module and 
to initialize OPC server access.  Central.Stop is the right place to disconnect from the OPC server.

import anopcclientx
print opc.Connect()

The code above imports the anopcclientx module and creates an instance of the AnOpcClientX class.  
Note that the parameter to the constructor is OPC – the name of the plugin where we inserted the AnOpcClientX ActiveX.
From this point on we can access the various available methods of the Python interface class.  
In the example we

  1. Define the ServerName and the AccessPoint as required

  2. Perform a connect to the given defined opc server

  The screenshot shows that we have successfully connected to the OPC server.  The remaining tasks are now:

  • Trapping the OnChangeDataStr] event handler
  • Adding the items we want to access.
  • Disconnecting from the OPC server in Central.Stop

Modified Central.Start

import anopcclientx
print opc.Connect()


  • The syntax is opc.AddItem(scorpionTagName,opcTagName)

    • The scorpionTagName is the internal name used to access the opcTagName

The screenshot shows that the items have been added successfully.

In Central.Stop:

print opc.Disconnect()

In order to trap the OPC.OnChangeDataStr event handler we will check the event in the Central TAB:


def Handle_OPC_OnChangeDataStr(Count,N,H,V,Q,T):

# Count = VT_I4
  # N = VT_BSTR
  # H = VT_BSTR
  # V = VT_BSTR
  # Q = VT_BSTR
  # T = VT_BSTR
  print 'OnChangeDataStr',Count,N,H,V,Q,T
  print eval(N)
  print eval(H)
   print eval(V)
    print eval(Q)
    print t
    for it in t:    print opc.t2d(it)


  • Count
    • the number of items the OPC server reports as changed.
  • N is a list of strings
    • that contains name of the items the OPC server reports changed
  • H is a list of corresponding handles
  • V is a list of corresponding values
  • Q is a list of the corresponding qualities
  • T is a list of the corresponding timestamps  

The Count the define the length of the lists

If a quality is equal to 192 the data is reliable. 

The timestamp may be decoded into a dictionary of integer items using the opc.t2d() method.

The output of the OPC.OnChangeDataStr event handler is as listed:

OnChangeDataStr 2 ['B00','S00'] [1,2] [-1,0] [192,192] ['22:23:17:585 19.10.2004','22:23:17:615 19.10.2004']

['B00', 'S00']
[1, 2]
[-1, 0]
[192, 192]
['22:23:17:585 19.10.2004', '22:23:17:615 19.10.2004']
{'min': 23, 'hr': 22, 'mth': 10, 'sec': 17, 'ms': 585, 'yr': 2004, 'day': 19}
{'min': 23, 'hr': 22, 'mth': 10, 'sec': 17, 'ms': 615, 'yr': 2004, 'day': 19}
OnChangeConfiguration 2 ccrAddItem
OnChangeDataStr 3 ['D00','L00','T00'] [3,4,5] [0,0,''] [192,192,192] ['22:23:17:645 19.10.2004','22:23:17:665 19.10.2004','22:23:17:685 19.10.2004']

['D00', 'L00', 'T00']
[3, 4, 5]
[0, 0, '']
[192, 192, 192]
['22:23:17:645 19.10.2004', '22:23:17:665 19.10.2004', '22:23:17:685 19.10.2004']
{'min': 23, 'hr': 22, 'mth': 10, 'sec': 17, 'ms': 645, 'yr': 2004, 'day': 19}
{'min': 23, 'hr': 22, 'mth': 10, 'sec': 17, 'ms': 665, 'yr': 2004, 'day': 19}
{'min': 23, 'hr': 22, 'mth': 10, 'sec': 17, 'ms': 685, 'yr': 2004, 'day': 19}


  • The OPC server posts the changes in this case as two separate events. 
    • The first event contains only the “B00” item.  
    • The second event contains the remaining items “L00”, “D00”, “T00”.
  • By using the eval() function we can decode the strings directly into Python lists.
  • The timestamp may be further decoded into a dictionary where we can access the various timestamp fields as [‘min’], [‘hr’] etc.

Reading and Writing

Reading may be performed using the opc.ReadItem() method.  Writing may be performed using the opc.WriteItem() method.
Python does not support parameter returns by address.  Instead tuples are returned. 
The ReadItem method returns a tuple containing two sub-tuples.

T1[0] is the result.  1 means successful operation.
T1[1] is the value.
T1[2] is the quality
T1[3] is the timestamp
T2[0] is exception information.
T2[1] is error information.
T2[2] is warning information.
If T1[0]<>1 you will check T2 for additional information.

The WriteItem method returns a tuple containing two sub-tuples.


T1[0] is the result.  1 means successful operation.
T1[1] is a string – normally blank.
T2[0] is exception information.
T2[1] is error information.

T2[2] is warning information.
If T1[0]<>1 you
must check T2 for additional information.


def readitem():

   r= opc.ReadItem('B00')
   print 'B00',r
  r= opc.ReadItem('T00')
   print 'T00',r
   r= opc.ReadItem('L00')
   print 'L00',r
   r= opc.ReadItem('D00')
  print 'D00',r
   r= opc.ReadItem('S00')
   print 'S00',r

Create a script in Central and give it the name readitem. 

The code above does that and also reads the contents of our variables.

Note: The scorpionTagName in AddItem defines the alias of the opc item.

 The output is:

B00 ((1L, '-1', '192', '22:48:00:657 19.10.2004'), ('', 'None', 'None'))
T00 ((1L, '', '192', '22:48:00:787 19.10.2004'), ('', 'None', 'None'))
L00 ((1L, '0', '192', '22:48:00:757 19.10.2004'), ('', 'None', 'None'))
D00 ((1L, '0', '192', '22:48:00:717 19.10.2004'), ('', 'None', 'None'))
S00 ((1L, '0', '192', '22:48:00:687 19.10.2004'), ('', 'None', 'None'))

 The data is returned as strings.  You will have to cast the contents to the appropriate datatype explicitly.


def writeitem():
print '-'*10
  print opc.WriteItem('B00',1)
   print opc.WriteItem('T00','hello')
   print opc.WriteItem('L00',-99)
   print opc.WriteItem('S00',0.001)
   print opc.WriteItem('D00',0.002)
   print '-'*10

Create a script in Central and give it the name writeitem.  The code above does that and prints the return values.

This is the output:

((1L, ''), ('', 'None', 'None'))
((1L, ''), ('', 'None', 'None'))
((1L, ''), ('', 'None', 'None'))
((1L, ''), ('', 'None', 'None'))
((1L, ''), ('', 'None', 'None'))

OnChangeDataStr 5 ['B00','S00','D00','L00','T00'] [1,2,3,4,5] [-1,0.001,0.002,-99,'hello'] [192,192,192,192,192] ['22:57:27:623 19.10.2004','22:57:27:633 19.10.2004','22:57:27:643 19.10.2004','22:57:27:633 19.10.2004','22:57:27:623 19.10.2004']

['B00', 'S00', 'D00', 'L00', 'T00']
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[-1, 0.001, 0.002, -99, 'hello']
[192, 192, 192, 192, 192]
['22:57:27:623 19.10.2004', '22:57:27:633 19.10.2004', '22:57:27:643 19.10.2004', '22:57:27:633 19.10.2004', '22:57:27:623 19.10.2004']
{'min': 57, 'hr': 22, 'mth': 10, 'sec': 27, 'ms': 623, 'yr': 2004, 'day': 19}
{'min': 57, 'hr': 22, 'mth': 10, 'sec': 27, 'ms': 633, 'yr': 2004, 'day': 19}
{'min': 57, 'hr': 22, 'mth': 10, 'sec': 27, 'ms': 643, 'yr': 2004, 'day': 19}
{'min': 57, 'hr': 22, 'mth': 10, 'sec': 27, 'ms': 633, 'yr': 2004, 'day': 19}
{'min': 57, 'hr': 22, 'mth': 10, 'sec': 27, 'ms': 623, 'yr': 2004, 'day': 19}


  • The first part of the output shows the return values from the WriteItem method

  • The second part of the output shows the output of the OnChangeDataStr event handler


There is one more event you should respond to in a production system.  
The OnConnectionShutdown event is fired if the OPC server closes operation.

The recommended action is to close the connection to the OPC server immediately.

def Handle_OPC_OnConnectionShutdown(Reason):
   print 'OnConnectionShutdown:',Reason

 In our demo we close the OPC server TordivelAS.AnOpcServerX and observe the output:

OnConnectionShutdown: Window Closed while running in desktop mode.

Because we disconnected immediately when the event handler was called we have completed the contract.


Because you will get an event every time the OPC variables (items) you have subscribed to changes. This includes the first time you add the variable with AddItem.

Hint: You can have to use a shadow register to keep a copy of the previous value.  This can especially useful when you want to take action as response to triggers. By keeping a copy of the last value you can for example easily implement edge triggers.

Use Python dictionaries for this task.  Initialize the dictionary with values of the correct type using the exact name of the alias you set up for
the variable.  


Then use the name of the variable passed to you in the OnChangeDataStr event handler

def Handle_OPC_OnChangeDataStr(Count,N,H,V,Q,T):
  for i in range(len(Names)):
      if Names[i]=='B00':
         # do the action

A structured way of setting up IO scripting is:

Connect to the OPC server
Add OPC Items
Disconnect from the OPC server
In central you can define a number of useful scripts.  You can simplify syntax by defining your own access functions.
Trap the OnChangeDataStr handler  

All the modules are located on the Scorpion CD.

Scorpion Vision Version XII : Build 646 - Date: 20170225
Scorpion Vision Software® is a registered trademark of Tordivel AS.
Copyright © 2000 - 2017 Tordivel AS.