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Count Number of blobs found
Coverage Total blob area in percent of the ROI-area
Largest contour area Largest contour area (hole area included).
Largest blob area Largest blob area (hole area subtracted).
Total contour area Total area of all blobs (hole area included).
Total blob area Total area of all blobs (hole area subtracted).
All centers Python tuple with sorted blob centers of gravity
Blobs removed at border 0 - no blobs removed; 1 - blobs removed
Contour[n] Contour polygon for blob n
Contour area[n] Contour area for blob n
Contour length[n] Contour length for blob n
Blob area[n] Area (ex. holes) for blob n
No of holes[n] Number of distinct holes inside blob n
Intensity[n] Average intensity for blob n
Center[n].x x position of blob center
Center[n].y y position of blob center
Major axis[n] Length of blob major axis
Minor axis[n] Length of blob major axis
Circularity[n] Blob shape (1=perfect circle)
Axis ratio[n] Major axis / minor axis
Angle[n] Angle of major axis
Length[n] Bounding box length
Width[n] Bounding box width

Note: Results from only 32 blobs are returned - All blob centers is returned in the All centers python tuple.


Scorpion Vision Version XII : Build 646 - Date: 20170225
Scorpion Vision Software® is a registered trademark of Tordivel AS.
Copyright © 2000 - 2017 Tordivel AS.