


All tools in the toolbox can be customized using system defined tool events and executed by user defined Python scripts.

The scripts are available from the General tab of all tools.


The events are called by the tool list object. This is a very powerful feature that can substantially reduce the length of the toolbox.  The script's mouse menu is shown below:


  • New - creates a user defined script
  • Edit - opens script editor
  • Rename - renames user defined script
  • Up - moves script up
  • Down - moves script down
  • Deactivate - deactivates selected script
  • Delete - deletes script - removes user defined script | empties system defined script
  • Copy - copies script to clipboard
  • Paste - pastes script from clipboard to selected script
  • Help activates scripting help

How it works

When a tool activates a script, the tool list make an instance of a 'hidden' Python class in the Python namespace for the actual tool.

The class definition is given by the activated scripts.

This class has a member 'name' which can be used within the scripts to get access to the python tool object

  • tool=GetTool(self.name)

This 'hidden' class is a standard python object, you can add members and methods as for any standard Python class by using the self argument which always must be the first argument

  • def init()
    • self.mymember=10
    • self.counter = 0
    • self.maxCount = 12

Note: The local attributes are encapsulated and should be used to preserve state of the between the eventhandlers

Methods Description
init called at tool creation and when the user applies changes to any script. Useful to customize the python tool instance. The init method is paired with the close method.
close called at tool destruction and when the user applies changes to any script. May be used for cleanup. The close method is paired with the init method.
beginExecute called once before the actual tool execution. In this method it is possible to write its own processing algorithms, iterate itself or any kind of processing. By returning 1 from this method the default tool execution will not be executed. This method is also useful for setting up internal states and parameters before image processing.
beforeExecute called just before tool execution, also when iterating the tool from Python.
afterExecute called just after tool execution, also when iterating the tool from Python. By returning 0 the tool will execute again until afterExecute returns 1. Sometimes useful for result validation. Special care should be taken to avoid entering a endless loop (by always returning 0)
endExecute called at last in tool execution, enables to collect results, cleanup etc. This method is called only once for each tool in toolbox execution. Returning 1 from endExecute signals tool execution error.

Example 1:  Iterate itself

def init(self):
  self.count=0           #define a local counter
  self.max=12            #define a local max count

def beginExecute(self):
  self.count=0               #reset counter
  t=GetTool(self.name)       #get the python tool instance for myself
  img=GetImageMatr('Box')    #get the image to process
  ResetStatistics()          #userdefined method for statistics
  for i in range(self.max):
    SetROI()                 #userdefined method for settng ROI
    t.execute(img)           #execute the tool at new location
    UpdateStatistics()       #userdefined method for collect results and update statistics
  return 1                   #abort default processing/execution

Example 2: Set Value of a ExternalLogic using business logic

def afterExecute(self):
  #use self.name to get this tool instance
  #Return 1 for OK, 0 for new execution
  type = GetIntValue('Type.Value')
  fitFraction = GetValue('CircleFitFraction.Value')
  circleLocated = 0
  if type == 1:
     circleLocated = GetIntValue('RadiusType1-3.FitFraction') > fitFraction
  if type == 2:
     circleLocated = GetIntValue('RadiusType2-3.FitFraction') > fitFraction
  if type == 3:
     circleLocated = GetIntValue('RadiusType3-3.FitFraction') > fitFraction
  return 1
Example 3: Iterate a RadialArcFinder in N posistion to find the best fitFraction
# define local attributes
def init(self):
  self.counter = 0
  self.bestFit = 0
  self.bestX  = 0.0
# reset the local attributes for each tool execution
def beginExecute(self):
  #use self.name to get this tool instance
  #Return 1 if handled by script, 0 for default handling
  self.counter = 0
  self.bestFit = 0
  self.bestX = 0
  return 0
# state model in afterExecute
# iterate N position to locate best fitFraction
# rerun the the tool for the best fitFraction
def afterExecute(self):
  #use self.name to get this tool instance
  #Return 1 for OK, 0 for new execution
  iterations = 3
  tool = GetTool(self.name)
  fit = tool.getIntValue('FitFraction')
  if self.counter < iterations:
    self.counter = self.counter + 1
    print ' radius center type 3 - fit ',fit,self.counter
    point = GetTool('CenterType3')
    if fit > self.bestFit:
      self.bestFit = fit
      self.bestX = point.getIntValue('Value_x')
    img = GetImageMatr('Bilde')
    return 0
  if self.counter == iterations :
    self.counter = self.counter + 1
    point = GetTool('CenterType3')
    img = GetImageMatr('Bilde')
    return 0
  if self.counter == iterations +1 :
    return 1

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