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Scorpion Vision Software® - Demo License

Try Scorpion Vision Software for free in 30 days

"The Scorpion Vision Software demo should under no circumstances be used to produce profiles for commercial use, or for other purposes than evaluation. Tordivel can at any time terminate the license agreement for the Scorpion Vision Software demo. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the Scorpion Vision Software demo. The demo version has a time-limitation of 30 days, after which it will automatically expire."

Version: Scorpion 9
Scorpion X
Scorpion XI

Scorpion XII
Scorpion XV
Options: 3D

License Agreement

TORDIVEL AS Scorpion Vision Software® - Support Version XII : Build 654 - Date 2017-06-23
Tordivel AS, Storgata 20, N-0184 Oslo, Norway | www.scorpionvision.com
Copyright © 2000-2017 Tordivel AS.