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Ejector Control


Line - single image line
Chunk - one or more image lines (as set in Lines per trigger in driver dialog).
Frame - whole image(with overlap) As defined in settings dialog (height + overlap).
Chunk counter - counts number of chunks produced by camera.

Usage Guidelines

In order to use ejector module in driver settings dialog items "Line counter" and "Ejector control" must be checked. "Ejector control" can be checked only for one camera (if several cameras are used).
Those settings mean that:

  • the chunk counter will be used
  • chunk counter data will be embedded in the first 3 bytes of each frame
  • driver will listen for commands for the ejector device.

    The ejector commands will be synchronized with the current chunk counter value.

    The work flow for the ejector module from Scorpion perspective is as follows:

    1. The frame is captured by camera, retrieved by Scorpion, and inspection is done.
    2. After frame is grabbed a tool or script extracts the chunk counter from the frame
    3. Based on inspection results the tool/script generates data matrix for the ejector device
    4. The tool/script sends the generated data to the driver. The data sent must refer to the chunk counter position forward by at least 1 frame (frame length = height / Lines per trigger). When frame is captured the real chunk counter in the driver will be positioned at the end of that frame (i.e. the difference between counter embedded in the image and the current value will be size of one frame in chunks) therefore commands must be sent for the "future" chunk counter positions.
    5. Goto 1

    Calculate conveyor length

    Conveyor length should be measured in chunk counter units and should not exceed 10000 (e.g. if lines per trigger is set to 20 then it will be equal to 200 000 image lines).
    Snippet below shows how to calculate conveyor length of 2.3 frame lengths:

    camera = GetCamera("0")
    lineCounterResolution = camera.getProperty("LineCounterResolution")
    imageHeight = camera.height
    linesToEjector = int(imageHeight * 2.3)/lineCounterResolution

    Extract Chunk Counter From Image

    Each frame will have a chunk counter embedded as the 1st 3 bytes of the image (3 pixels for B/W and 1 pixel for color).
    Snippet below shows hot to extract chunk counter:

    startIndex = ejectorModulePlugin.GetEjectorModule().GetImageLineCounter(Image)

    Generate Ejector Data and Send To Driver

    Ejector data is sent via driver. Call setProperty method for camera with following parmeters. The property name must be a formated string. The format is as follows:

    EjectorLine $chunkCounter $data $callback $mask


    $chunkCounter - must be a chunk counter value for which data for the ejector device will be sent. Integer value (example: 7238)

    $data - is 4 byte hex formated data for the ejector device. It is represented as hex string of length 8 chars (Example: 010AFFFF). This means, that 4 ports are supported. All port values are interpreted left to right (in the example above - port 0 will have value 01, port 1 = 0A, etc.). Each bit in the bytes represent 1 output for the ejector device.

    $callback - 0/1 - one character for callback to Scorpion when ejector command is executed - OPTIONAL

    $mask - 4 byte hex bitmask for which bites in data to use - OPTIONAL

    Example 1: Set ejector output lines to a defined value when chunk counter = 7238:

    camera.setProperty("%s %d %s" % ("EjectorLine", 7238, "010AFFFF"), 0)

    Example 2: Set ejector output lines to a defined value when chunk counter = 7238, use two bits only by mask:

    camera.setProperty("%s %d %s 1 %s" % ("EjectorLine", 7238, "00000001" "0000003"), 0) #uses 2 last bits only

    camera.setProperty("%s %d %s 0 %s" % ("EjectorLine", 7245, "00000000" "0000003"), 0) #uses 2 last bits only

    Example 3: Activate all ejector outputs after conveyor moves 2.3 frames:

    dword = 0xFFFFFFFF
    startEjector= startIndex + linesToEjector
    for i in range(startEjector, startEjector + (imageHeight / lineCounterResolution)):
    # send line to a camera driver
    camera.setProperty("%s %d %.8X" % ("EjectorLine", i, dword), 0)

    Ejector Static Mode

    In static mode ejector continuously transmits the same eject command. To activate static mode use EjectorStaticMode property:

    camera.setProperty('EjectorStaticMode', 1)

    To set static mode ejector command call setProperty for camera in following format:

    EjectorStaticCommand $data

    • $data - is 4 byte hex formatted data for the ejector device.

    Example 4: Activate Static Mode

    camera.setProperty('EjectorStaticCommand EFEFEFEF', 0)
    camera.setProperty('EjectorStaticMode', 1)

    Example 5: Generate ejector pulse and process ejector command callback

    def SetEjectorPulse():
      sets ejector pulse in Basler driver
      we requests a command callback for first line set
      pixelsize = GetFloatValue('Cal.PixelSize_x')
      ejectdist = GetFloatValue('ProcessSetup.EjectorDistance')
      pulselen  = GetFloatValue('ProcessSetup.EjectorPulseLength')
      start     = GetIntValue('Results.ChunkCounter')
      x         = GetFloatValue('Results.TopCenter_x')
      if lineCounterResolution==None:lineCounterResolution=1
      ejectpos = start+int((ejectdist+x)/pixelsize/lineCounterResolution)
      length   = int(pulselen/lineCounterResolution/pixelsize)
      if not GetBoolValue('System.CameraSimulation'):
        prop0 = '%s %d %s' % ('EjectorLine',ejectpos,'00000001 1 00000001')
        prop1 = '%s %d %s' % ('EjectorLine',ejectpos+length,'00000000 0 00000001')
        #print '--->> SetEjectorPulse:  %s   %s' % (prop0,prop1)
        camera.setProperty(prop0, 0)
        camera.setProperty(prop1, 0)
     #add the command to send to PLS on command callback
    def Handle_System_CameraCommand(Camera,Cmd,Params):
      # Camera = VT_BSTR
      # Cmd = VT_BSTR
      # Params = VT_BSTR
      #print "<<--- CameraCommand    ",Cmd,Params  
      if Cmd=="EjectorLine":
        if rs232queue.has_key(line):
          del rs232queue[line]

    Scorpion Vision Version XII : Build 646 - Date: 20170225
    Scorpion Vision Software® is a registered trademark of Tordivel AS.
    Copyright © 2000 - 2017 Tordivel AS.