All Sony cameras can be triggered by an external signal.  The cameras have a connector at the back, either a BNC or a HIROSE connector.  Configuring Scorpion for HW trig operation requires a number of steps to be completed.  Miss one of them and it will not work

Conditioning the trigger

When configured for HW trig operation, the SONY cameras will output a frame when the two trigger pins are short-circuited.  The center lead of the BNC carries +5VDC, so it no need for supplying external voltage - even if the documentation encourages you to do so.  The important thing to get right here is to ensure that the edge is fast rising.  If not, multiple images may be output - corrupting your setup completely. 

Tordivel AS recommends a FAST OPTOCOPLER to be used for providing the closure of the trigger input

80-600 Sony HW Trigger Optocoupler Optocoupler 50010


Configuring Scorpion

The follwing tasks must be completed to setup Scorpion for HW trig:

  1. HW trig must be enabled in the camera dialog
  2. The BeforeStart Event must be trapped and relevant command sequences added
  3. The AfterStop Event must be trapped and relevant command sequences added

Enable HW trig in the camera dialog:


Then trap (add) the BeforeStart Event.  Add 2 command sequences to the Event

Command Parameters Explanation
SetImageProp  imageno=1;continous=1 Set camera 1 in continous mode
GrabExecute   Grab an image - that is Arm the trigger

Command 1 sets the camera in continous mode.  This must not be mistaken for the continous check box found in the camera dialog.  The purpose of the command is to keep the camera armed at all times, outputing a frame every time the trigger fires.

Command 2 arms the camera the very first time.  The continous=1 will ensure that the camera remains armed with no further need to issue subsequent GrabExecutes.

The BeforeStart Event is fired when the START button is pressed (or the START command received over the TdvCmdProtocol - RS-232 or TCP/IP)


Finally trap (add) the AfterStop Event.  This event is fired when the user presses the STOP button or the STOP command is received over TdvCmdProtocol (TCP/IP or RS-232).  Add one command sequence:

Command Parameters Explanation
SetImageProp imageno=1;continous=0 No more continous mode

This command will de-arm the trigger when STOP mode is entered


The system is now ready to operate in HW trig!


Scorpion Vision Version XII : Build 646 - Date: 20170225
Scorpion Vision Software® is a registered trademark of Tordivel AS.
Copyright © 2000 - 2017 Tordivel AS.