Up | IMCmd | RS232Cmd | ResponseCmd | TdvCmd format



Sends TdvCmdProtocol commands to external systems.

Parameters to RS232Cmd and IMCmd are free text, but by the use of special formatting strings, you can replace a tag name with a value in the tag database.

Syntax :


Example 1: Send data to specified ip and port with parameter substibution


Example 2: SetValue on preconfigured server



With IMCmd, data is sent via the IMTDVCmdProtocol. The command is routed to a configured address : <ip>:<port>. The addressing can be overruled by prefixing the command with <destination=>

Parameters to IMCmd are free text, but by the use of special formatting strings, you can send commands with tagdatabase values over tcp/ip to another Scorpion application.

This command is used when you know the destination.

Speed considerations sending large command-strings

To avoid parsing for parameter substitution, the command may be prefixed with 'NoParse:'.

Another important consideration is to limit the number of sent commands. Note that Scorpion can handle tens of parameters in one command. Sending a complete package with multiple values as one IMCmd is considered a best practice.

This will send the data 'as is' and will reduce the overhead of parsing for formatting strings. For large commands the parsing overhead may be an important issue.

Example 3: Faster with NoParse option  




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