The Motoman plugin is to inserted in the Scorpion-Central section
Scorpion interacts when the Plugin and thus the robot in a event driven
manner. Initialize Plugin in Central
- 'Central Start' - Initialize the Plugin - Central Start is executed
when Scorpion Starts
- 'Central Stop' - Stop the Plugin - Central Stop is executed when
Scorpion Terminates
Connect Plugin to Scorpion System Events
- 'BeforeStart' - activate the trigger - Before Start is called
when Scorpion is set in running mode
- 'AfterStop' - deactivate the trigger - After Stop is called by
Scorpion when Scorpion exits running mode
- 'AfterInspect' - send results - The After Inspection event is
called when the toolbox has been processed
Plugin OnTrigger
- 'OnTrigger' - call the CameraTrigger - The Ontrigger is called
when the Robot sends SAVEV Bxxx command