Several 3D tools share a common ROI setup:

Position X, Y, Z - describes the center of
the ROI
Angle X, Y, Z - describes how the ROI is

The ROI is a Box (formally, a Cuboid)
The cuboid is centered at the ROI's origin.

The ROI is a Box (formally, a Cuboid)
Length - the length of the cylinder
Inner radius - inner radius of ROI extent
(if 0, there is no inner limit)
Outer radius - outer radius of ROI extent
Cylinder sector start - start of sector from
the X/Y plane
Cylinder sector end - end of sector. If
start=0 and end=360, the entire cylinder circumference is used
The cylinder is centered at the ROI's origin, with
its center line aligned with the X axis.

The ROI is a Sphere
The sphere is centered at the ROI's origin.