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Release Notes


Shared Memory

Scorpion Vision Software can send image from one application instance to another using shared memory.

The SMImageProvider class

The following method creates SMImageProvider object:

  • SMImageProvider(shareName, width, height, bytesPerPixel = 1)
Method Returns Description
Process() None processes requests from the shared memory client, set up scheduler to call this method periodically
Write(image) None sends the image to the shared memory client

The SMImageClient class

The following method creates SMImageClient object:

  • SMImageClient(shareName, width, height, bytesPerPixel = 1)
Property Access Type Description
state R SMImageClient.State the connection state - Connected/Disconnected

Method Returns Description
Connect() None connects to the shared memory
Read() Image matrix reads the image matrix from the shared memory,
returns None if there is no image

How images are transfered

  • Connection setup
    • The image provider creates the named shared memory.
    • The image provider creates the named pipe with name '\\.\pipe\sharename'.
    • The client connects to the named pipe.
    • The client requests the image size by writing the data packet:
      • uint value: 2
    • The image provider responds with data packet:
      • uint value: 2
      • uint value: image width
      • uint value: image height
      • uint value: bytes per pixel
  • Image transfer
    • The image provider copies the image to the named shared memory.
    • The image provider notifies the client that image ready by writing the data packet to the named pipe:
      • uint value: 3

Test and Sample Profiles

Example 1: Using SMImageProvider to send a monochrome image

# Central Start
import SharedMemory
# SharedMemory.SMImageProvider(shareName, width, height, bytesPerPixel = 1)
# Create image provider to send monochrome image
sm = SharedMemory.SMImageProvider('test', 760, 570, 1)
# SMProcess
def SMProcess():
  # Call this function from trigger every 100ms
  import datetime
  global processRunning
    if processRunning == False:
      print datetime.datetime.now(), "Process running"
    processRunning = True
# SendImage
def SendImage():
  except Exception, msg:
      print msg	

Example 2: Using SMImageClient to get a monochrome image

# Central Start
import SharedMemoryClient
smc2d = None
smc2d = SharedMemoryClient.SMImageClient("test", 760, 570, 1)
if smc2d.state == SharedMemoryClient.SMImageClient.State.Disconnected:
def ReceiveImage():
  # Call this function from trigger every 100ms
  if smc2d != None:
     obj = smc2d.Read()
     if obj != None and str(type(obj)) == "":
         SetImageMatr('Image', obj)
     if smc2d.state == SharedMemoryClient.SMImageClient.State.Disconnected:
             # try to reconnect. This is needed if read actually detected a disconnect

Example 3: Using SMImageProvider to send a color image

# Central Start
import SharedMemory
# SharedMemory.SMImageProvider(shareName, width, height, bytesPerPixel = 1)
# Create image provider to send color image
sm = SharedMemory.SMImageProvider('test', 760, 570, 4)
# SMProcess
def SMProcess():
  # Call this function from trigger every 100ms
  import datetime
  global processRunning
    if processRunning == False:
      print datetime.datetime.now(), "Process running"
    processRunning = True
# SendImage
def SendImage():
  except Exception, msg:
      print msg	

Example 4: Using SMImageClient to get a color image

# Central Start
import SharedMemoryClient
smc2d = None
smc2d = SharedMemoryClient.SMImageClient("test", 760, 570, 4)
if smc2d.state == SharedMemoryClient.SMImageClient.State.Disconnected:
def ReceiveImage():
  # Call this function from trigger every 100ms
  if smc2d != None:
     obj = smc2d.Read()
     if obj != None and str(type(obj)) == "":
         SetImageMatr('Image', obj)
     if smc2d.state == SharedMemoryClient.SMImageClient.State.Disconnected:
             # try to reconnect. This is needed if read actually detected a disconnect

Example 5: Using SMImageProvider to send a 3D image

# Central Start
import SharedMemory
# SharedMemory.SMImageProvider(shareName, width, height, bytesPerPixel = 1)
# Create image provider to send 3D image
sm = SharedMemory.SMImageProvider('test', 760, 570, 20)
# SMProcess
def SMProcess():
  # Call this function from trigger every 100ms
  import datetime
  global processRunning
    if processRunning == False:
      print datetime.datetime.now(), "Process running"
    processRunning = True
# SendImage
def SendImage():
      # build 3D image
      height = 100
      width = 100
      cloud = xyzwvfMat(height, width)
      maxZ = random() * 50
      midHeight = height/2
      midWidth = width/2
      for r in range(height):
        for c in range(width):
          zr = ((midHeight - abs(midHeight - r)) / float(midHeight))
          zr = zr * zr * maxZ
          zc = ((midWidth - abs(midWidth - c)) / float(midWidth))
          zc = zc * zc * maxZ
          cloud[r*height+c] = r-(height/2), c-(height/2), zr+zc, 128, 0

  except Exception, msg:
      print msg	

Example 6: Using SMImageClient to get a 3D image

# Central Start
import SharedMemoryClient
smc3d = None
smc3d = SharedMemoryClient.SMImageClient("test", 760, 570, 20)
if smc3d.state == SharedMemoryClient.SMImageClient.State.Disconnected:
def ReceiveImage():
  # Call this function from trigger every 100ms
  if smc3d != None:
     obj = smc3d.Read()
     if obj != None and str(type(obj)) == "":
         SetImageMatr('Image3d', obj)
     if smc3d.state == SharedMemoryClient.SMImageClient.State.Disconnected:
             # try to reconnect. This is needed if read actually detected a disconnect

Scorpion Vision Version XII : Build 745 - Date: 20190323
Scorpion Vision Software® is a registered trademark of Tordivel AS.
Copyright © 2000 - 2019 Tordivel AS.