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The CentralPluginPage module gives access to user defined plugin pages in Central.

The CentralPluginPage class

  • GetCentralPluginPage(<name>) - get the named plugin page object

Attributes of the CentralPluginPage class

Attribute Access Type Description
name R string the plugin pagename
handle R HANDLE the windows handle of the panel
plugin R wincontrol returns the plugin wincontrol
userPanel R wincontrol returns the underlaying wincontrol containing the plugin

Example 1: Create .Net OverlayPanel at a central plugin page

pluginOverlay = CreatePluginOverlay(GetCentralPluginPage('Plugin').handle)

pluginOverlay.Height = pluginpage.height-pluginpage.plugin.height
pluginOverlay.Top = pluginpage.plugin.height

More information about .Net Controls in Scorpion

To configure the Central Plugin Page

Example 2: .Net Button Overlay Class

def CreatePluginOverlay(hwnd):
  import CLR
  import CLR.System.Windows.Forms as WinForms
  from CLR.System.Drawing import Size, Point

  # Load custom assemblies
  from CLR.System.Reflection import Assembly
  from CLR.Tordivel import OverlayPanel

  class DataInputOverlay(OverlayPanel):
    def __init__(self,nativeParentHandleAsInt32):
      # Enable ShowTrace for debug help
      #self.ShowTrace = 1

      # Use border just to be able to see the extent of the overlay panel
      self.BorderStyle = WinForms.BorderStyle.None

       # The Dock property can have one of the following DockStyle values: None, Left, Top, Right, Botton and Fill
       # In this demo we dock to bottom, height of 50. The Plugin is from Central Setup anchored
       # to match this.
      self.Height = 50
      self.Dock   = WinForms.DockStyle.Bottom

      # Create the Today button
      self.Today = WinForms.Button()
      self.Today.Parent = self
      self.Today.Size = Size(80,24)
      self.Today.Location = Point(10,10)
      self.Today.Text = "Today"
      # Register event handler for Today.Click
      self.Today.Click += self.Today_ClickHandler
      # Create the PrevDay button
      self.PrevDay = WinForms.Button()
      self.PrevDay.Parent = self
      self.PrevDay.Size = Size(80,24)
      self.PrevDay.Location = Point(100,10)
      self.PrevDay.Text = "Prev day"
      # Register event handler for PrevDay.Click
      self.PrevDay.Click += self.PrevDay_ClickHandler

      # Create the NextDay button
      self.NextDay = WinForms.Button()
      self.NextDay.Parent = self
      self.NextDay.Size = Size(80,24)
      self.NextDay.Location = Point(190,10)
      self.NextDay.Text = "Next day"
      # Register event handler for NextDay.Click
      self.NextDay.Click += self.NextDay_ClickHandler

      # Create the PrevMonth button
      self.PrevMonth = WinForms.Button()
      self.PrevMonth.Parent = self
      self.PrevMonth.Size = Size(80,24)
      self.PrevMonth.Location = Point(280,10)
      self.PrevMonth.Text = "Prev month"
      # Register event handler for PrevMonth.Click
      self.PrevMonth.Click += self.PrevMonth_ClickHandler

      # Create the NextMonth button
      self.NextMonth = WinForms.Button()
      self.NextMonth.Parent = self
      self.NextMonth.Size = Size(80,24)
      self.NextMonth.Location = Point(370,10)
      self.NextMonth.Text = "Next month"
      # Register event handler for NextMonth.Click
      self.NextMonth.Click += self.NextMonth_ClickHandler

    #Button Click handlers
    def Today_ClickHandler(self, sender, args):
      # Handles the Day Click event

    def NextDay_ClickHandler(self, sender, args):
      # Handles the NextDay Click event

    def PrevDay_ClickHandler(self, sender, args):
      # Handles the PrevDay Click event
    def PrevMonth_ClickHandler(self, sender, args):
      # Handles the PrevDay Click event
      if val>1:Plugin.SetMonth('Value='+str(val-1))

    def NextMonth_ClickHandler(self, sender, args):
      # Handles the PrevDay Click event
      if val<12:Plugin.SetMonth('Value='+str(val+1))

  return DataInputOverlay(hwnd)


Scorpion Vision Version XII : Build 646 - Date: 20170225
Scorpion Vision Software® is a registered trademark of Tordivel AS.
Copyright © 2000 - 2017 Tordivel AS.