Events |
Description |
System.CameraError |
called on camera errors |
System.ImageComplete |
called after an
acquired image is received |
System.CameraCommand |
called from camera, cameradriver spesific |
System.LoadTools |
called prior to loading
toolbox configuration, enables the user to load external toolbox
configuration |
System.SaveTools |
called prior to saving
toolbox, enables the user to save the toolbox to an external configuration
file |
System.ToolApply |
called when the user applies
tool configuration changes |
System.ToolVariantChanged |
called when an ExternalDictionary tools current value
changes |
System.DataInputApply |
called when the user applies data in a DataInput page |
System.QueryUserEvent |
called when user interacts with application |
System.QueryStart |
called to query before stopping |
System.QueryStop |
called to query before stopping |
System.QueryClose |
called to query before close |
System.AfterInspect |
called after inspect command |
System.PageChanged |
called after the right side pages changes |
System.UpdateResultPanel |
called after ResultPanel default update |
System.UpdateIndicatorPanel |
called after IndicatorPanel default update |
System.IndicatorPanelClick |
called when user clicks an IndicatorPanel |
System.IndicatorPanelMenu |
called when user clicks an IndicatorPanel menu |
System.BeforeContextChange |
called prior to
changes in the system variable System.Context |
System.AfterContextChange |
after changes in the system variable System.Context |
System.SimulationChanged |
called after image simulation mode changes |
System.OperationStateChanged |
called after Operation State changes |
System.ProductChanged |
called after the system tag System.Product changes |
System.BatchChanged |
called after the system tag System.Batch changes |
System.RecipeChanged |
called after the system tag System.Recipe changes |
System.UserNameChanged |
called after the system tag System.UserName changes |
System.AccessControlChanged |
called after settings- or servicemode changes |
System.MouseDown |
called when user clicks in an image |
System.MouseUp |
called when user clicks in an image |
System.MouseMove |
called when user moves the cursor in an image |
System.Zoom |
called when user zooms in image |
System.Save |
called after profile is saved |
System.Timer |
called when a user defined timer event occurs |
System.LIDChanged |
called after Language ID changes |
System.LogMsg |
called whenever a system log
message is created |