Up | Example 01 - StructuredPropertyBag | Example 02 - WinForms Controls | Example 3 - Custom User Interface | Example 04 - TCP Socket Communication | Example 05 - Simple Text Print | Example 06 - Modeless .Net Dialog | Example 07 - StopWatch | Example 08 - Product Selection Page | Example 09 - PyScripter - Eclipse Test Program | Example 10 - Access Control with custom .Net Plugin



Example 3 - Custom User Interface

This example simulates guiding an operator through some sequence of operations.

The script depends on the Tordivel.OverlayPanel component and a JPEG image named "Water lilies.jpg". In addition a custom panel named "Status" must be created to host the Tordivel.OverlayPanel component.

A simple timer is used to drive the example using a fixed interval of 5 seconds.

# Central Start

# Python start script goes here
print 'Central Start'

statusPanel = CreateStatusPanel(GetCustomPage('Status').handle)

# Central Stop

print 'Central Stop'
  print 'dispose statusPanel'
def CreateStatusPanel
def CreateStatusPanel(hwnd):
  import CLR
  from CLR.System import Random
  import CLR.System.Windows.Forms as WinForms
  from CLR.System.Drawing import Size, Point, Pen, Color, SystemColors
  from CLR.System.Drawing import ContentAlignment, Font, FontStyle, Image

  # Load custom assemblies
  from CLR.System.Reflection import Assembly
  from CLR.Tordivel import OverlayPanel
  profile = GetValue('System.Profile')

  # define StatusPanel class by inheriting from OverlayPanel
  class StatusPanel(OverlayPanel):
    def __init__(self,nativeParentHandleAsInt32):

      self.Dock = WinForms.DockStyle.Fill

      self.TaskPanel1 = WinForms.Panel()
      self.TaskPanel1.Parent = self
      self.TaskPanel1.BorderStyle = WinForms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle
      self.TaskPanel1.Size = Size(50, 50)

      self.TaskPanel2 = WinForms.Panel()
      self.TaskPanel2.Parent = self
      self.TaskPanel2.BorderStyle = WinForms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle
      self.TaskPanel2.Size = Size(50, 50)

      self.TaskPanel3 = WinForms.Panel()
      self.TaskPanel3.Parent = self
      self.TaskPanel3.BorderStyle = WinForms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle
      self.TaskPanel3.Size = Size(50, 50)

      self.TaskLabel1 = WinForms.Label()
      self.TaskLabel1.Parent = self
      self.TaskLabel1.BorderStyle = WinForms.BorderStyle.None
      self.TaskLabel1.Font = Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 21.75, FontStyle.Bold)
      self.TaskLabel1.Size = Size(150, 50)
      self.TaskLabel1.Text = "Task #1"
      self.TaskLabel1.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft

      self.TaskLabel2 = WinForms.Label()
      self.TaskLabel2.Parent = self
      self.TaskLabel2.BorderStyle = WinForms.BorderStyle.None
      self.TaskLabel2.Font = Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 21.75, FontStyle.Bold)
      self.TaskLabel2.Size = Size(150, 50)
      self.TaskLabel2.Text = "Task #2"
      self.TaskLabel2.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft

      self.TaskLabel3 = WinForms.Label()
      self.TaskLabel3.Parent = self
      self.TaskLabel3.BorderStyle = WinForms.BorderStyle.None
      self.TaskLabel3.Font = Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 21.75, FontStyle.Bold)
      self.TaskLabel3.Size = Size(150, 50)
      self.TaskLabel3.Text = "Task #3"
      self.TaskLabel3.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft

      self.PictureBox = WinForms.PictureBox()
      self.PictureBox.Parent = self
      self.PictureBox.BorderStyle = WinForms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
      self.PictureBox.SizeMode = WinForms.PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
      self.PictureBox.Image = Image.FromFile(profile + r'\DotNet\Water lilies.jpg')
      self.PictureBox.Size = Size(330, 250)
      self.PictureBox.Paint += self.PictureBoxPaintHandler

      self.InfoLabel = WinForms.Label()
      self.InfoLabel.Parent = self
      self.InfoLabel.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlLight
      self.InfoLabel.BorderStyle = WinForms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
      self.InfoLabel.Font = Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 21.75, FontStyle.Bold)
      self.InfoLabel.Size = Size(400, 50)
      self.InfoLabel.Text = "Information"
      self.InfoLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter


      self.TaskNumber = 1
      self.TaskState = 'Active'

      self.RedCircleLocationX = -1
      self.RedCircleLocationY = -1


      # Create timer and register tick eventhandler
      self.timer = WinForms.Timer()
      self.timer.Tick += self.TimerTickHandler
      self.timer.Interval = 5000
      self.timer.Enabled = 1

      # Register event handler for Resize
      self.Resize += self.ResizeHandler

    def PictureBoxPaintHandler(self, sender, args):
      # Handle picture box paint

      #print 'PictureBoxPaintHandler'
      if self.RedCircleLocationX >= 0:

    def UpdateLayout(self):
      # Update control positions and size

      self.TaskPanel1.Location = Point(20,20);
      self.TaskPanel2.Location = Point(20,120);
      self.TaskPanel3.Location = Point(20,220);

      self.TaskLabel1.Location = Point(80,20);
      self.TaskLabel2.Location = Point(80,120);
      self.TaskLabel3.Location = Point(80,220);

      self.PictureBox.Location = Point(self.Width-(self.PictureBox.Width+20), 20)

      self.InfoLabel.Location = Point(20,320);
      self.InfoLabel.Size = Size(self.Width-40,50);

    def UpdateState(self):
      # Simulate internal state change

      #print 'UpdateState TaskNumber:',self.TaskNumber,' TaskState:',self.TaskState

      if self.TaskState != 'Active':
        self.TaskNumber += 1
        if self.TaskNumber > 3:
          self.TaskNumber = 1
        self.TaskState = 'Active'
        random = Random()
        if random.Next(100) < 90:
          self.TaskState = 'Succeded'
          self.TaskState = 'Failed'

    def UpdateView(self):
      # Updates view according to internal state

      #print 'UpdateView'

      if self.TaskNumber == 1:
        if self.TaskState == 'Active':
          self.TaskPanel1.BackColor = Color.Yellow
          self.InfoLabel.Text = "Task #1 Active"
        elif self.TaskState == 'Succeded':
          self.TaskPanel1.BackColor = Color.Green
          self.InfoLabel.Text = "Task #1 Succeded"
        elif self.TaskState == 'Failed':
          self.TaskPanel1.BackColor = Color.Red
          self.InfoLabel.Text = "Task #1 Failed"
          self.TaskPanel1.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark
        self.RedCircleLocationX = 60
        self.RedCircleLocationY = 50
        self.TaskPanel1.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark

      if self.TaskNumber == 2:
        if self.TaskState == 'Active':
          self.TaskPanel2.BackColor = Color.Yellow
          self.InfoLabel.Text = "Task #2 Active"
        elif self.TaskState == 'Succeded':
          self.TaskPanel2.BackColor = Color.Green
          self.InfoLabel.Text = "Task #2 Succeded"
        elif self.TaskState == 'Failed':
          self.TaskPanel2.BackColor = Color.Red
          self.InfoLabel.Text = "Task #2 Failed"
          self.TaskPanel2.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark
        self.RedCircleLocationX = 190
        self.RedCircleLocationY = 65
        self.TaskPanel2.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark

      if self.TaskNumber == 3:
        if self.TaskState == 'Active':
          self.TaskPanel3.BackColor = Color.Yellow
          self.InfoLabel.Text = "Task #3 Active"
        elif self.TaskState == 'Succeded':
          self.TaskPanel3.BackColor = Color.Green
          self.InfoLabel.Text = "Task #3 Succeded"
        elif self.TaskState == 'Failed':
          self.TaskPanel3.BackColor = Color.Red
          self.InfoLabel.Text = "Task #3 Failed"
          self.TaskPanel3.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark
        self.RedCircleLocationX = 180
        self.RedCircleLocationY = 140
        self.TaskPanel3.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark

    def TimerTickHandler(self, sender, args):
      # Handles timer tick

      #print self

    def ResizeHandler(self, sender, args):
      # Handles the Resize event

  return StatusPanel(hwnd)



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