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Backups current profile configuration or the profiles Storage folder. The generated backup file is WinZip 8 compatible.



When using multiple imagedirs, directories must be separated by '|' (pipe) character.

If ImageDirs is specified, all files in the profiles 'Images' directory are excluded unless specified in the command as imagedirs item.

Source may be specified to backup the profile or profile's Storage folder. Abbreviations for backup source is either 'PROFILE' or 'STORAGE'.

Archive may be specified to override user selected Archive folder in GUI.

If filename is omitted, filename will be profile/storage name with serial number postfix.



Example 1: Sample Backup


The above example backups all profile with a AutoBackup comment.



The above example backups the profile but includes only specified image directories "Images\Left" and "Images\Right". Any other files in Images folder and its sub folders are excluded.


Example 2: Python backup script examples

#complete profile backup, default location and name with serial no

#save all except Storage Images

#backup storage including specific image folder Images\Scan (note double backslash)

#backup profile without images at specific destination with increasing serial no name



  1. Default filename is profilename_nnn.zip, where nnn is increased by one for each backup, starting at 1. If filename contains no path information the backup will be stored at the configured Archive directory - more information.
  2. Comment is appended to the default comment. The default comment contains key values for backup creation time, Scorpion version, profile version and profile name. The comment may be viewed/edited with WinZip.


Scorpion Vision Version XII : Build 727 - Date: 20181019
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