Writes a message in the Scorpion event
LogMsg;Level=[-1|0|1|2|3];<Msg=<free text>>;<Sender=<txt>>
- Level - default is 1 = info1
- -1 : error
- 0 : warning
- 1 : info1
- 2 : info2
- 3: info3
- Sender
- sender column in the event log, optional, default 'LogMsg'
- Msg
- The
message cannot include ’;’ or ’=’ as they are the
protocol’s separation signs.
LogMsg; msg='This is an Info1 message'
LogMsg; level=-1; msg=This is an error message
LogMsg; level=0; msg=This is a warning
LogMsg; level=1; msg=This is an info1 message
LogMsg; level=2; msg=This is an info2 message
LogMsg; level=3; msg=This is an info3 message
These can be useful as 'debug' messages to control
command sequences and program flow. Guard used with the command can
be useful. Put several messages in a command sequence and use Guards to
control which message to write in the event log.
Example: Adding an Alarm event to SystemLog from Script
Example: Defining a python method
def Message(sender,level,msg):