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Profile maintenance


Profile;Cmd=Save|Backup|Restore|Upgrade; <filename=name;> <comment=text;> <confirm=0|1;><components=Hardware>

Example 1: Sample Commands

Profile;Cmd=Backup;comment=Backup after configuration changed

Example 2: Python Script Upgrade from defined backup file


Example 3: Python Script Automatic Backup


Example 4: Python Script - component backup and restore




  1. Default Backup filename is profilename_nnn.zip, where nnn is increased by one for each backup, starting at 1. If filename contains no path information, the backup will be stored at the configured Archive directory.
  2. Confirm option applies to the Save command and overrides the 'Confirm save' option if present.
  3. Backup comment is appended to the default comment. The default comment contains key values for backup creation time, Scorpion version and profile name. The comment may be viewed/edited with WinZip.
  4. Backup is also available by the Backup command.
  5. The Upgrade command restores a backup keeping local configuration. The local configuration contains the components HARDWARE, LOCAL and CALIBRATION, including content in profile subdirectories of same component name.
  6. If filename if omitted in the Upgrade command, the user will be asked to select a backup from the restore backup dialog.
  7. Components=Hardware allows the user to backup the hardware configuration (camera)
  8. The Restore command works on components only


Scorpion Vision Version XII : Build 646 - Date: 20170225
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