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Overlay Enumerations | Release Notes


The Overlay module is used for custom visualizing in Scorpion, in conjunction with the arr module, a module of  various image processing algorithms. The Overlay module has python objects to manipulate the Scorpion image overlays. 
The OverlayMgr class

The Overlay manager - manages the Python generated overlays.

Use the GetOverlayMgr(imagename) to get an instance connected to an image.

Attribute Access Type Description
name R string returns the image name

Method Returns Description
addOverlay(overlayname) Overlay adds an Python overlay to the image, normally used during initialization of the Scorpion profile.
getOverlay(overlayname) Overlay returns existing overlay, None not exists
deleteOverlay(name) bool deletes an python overlay if exist, rarely used
deleteOverlays() bool deletes all Python overlays connected to the image, rarely used

The Overlay class

The Overlay is a container for one or more overlay items. This class is returned from by the OverlayMgr.addOverlay and OverlayMgr().getOverlay methods or the method GetOverlay(imagename,overlayname)

Attribute Access Type Description
name R string returns the overlay name
visible R/W int the overall overlay visibility flag
penMode R/W int the pen mode of next added polygon 
edgeStyle R/W int the line edge style of next added polygon
edgeColor R/W int the color of the next added polygon
edgeWidth R/W int the width of the next added polygon
vertexStyle R/W int the style of each vertex in the next added polygon
vertexColor R/W string the color of each vertex in the next added polygon
vertexSize R/W int the size of each vertex in the next added polygon
textColor R/W string the color of the next added text
textSize R/W int the size of the next added text
font R/W string the font name of the next added text

Method Returns Description
get(name) OverlayItem returns named OverlayItem if existing, else None
add(arr) OverlayItem adds a Python arr object to the overlay
addMarker(name,x=10,y=10,col="",style=1,size=3) OverlayMarker  
addPolygon(name,plg,col="",width=1,style=0,closed=0,vsize=0,vstyle=1,vcol="") OverlayPolygon adds a polygon to the overlay. Parameters before close is line parameters, after is vertexs parameters
addLine(name,x1=10,y1=10,x2=20,y2=20,col="",width=1) OverayLine adds a line object to the overlay
addRect(name,x1=10,y1=10,x2=20,y2=20,col='',width=1) OverlayRect adds a rect object to the overlay
addCircle(name,x=10,y=10,r=10,col="",width=1) OverlayCircle adds a circle object to the overlay
addText(name,text,x=10,y=10,col=""]) OverayText adds a text object to the overlay
clear() 0/1 deletes all contained overlay items.

* setting color to '' (empty) using previos color
The OverlayItem class

The OverlayItem class is the baseclass for any graphic objects in an Overlay

Attribute Access Type Description
name R string the name of the overlay item
visible R/W bool the items visibility flag
penMode R/W int the pen mode of the polygon
edgeStyle R/W int the line edge style of the polygon
edgeColor R/W int the color of the polygon
edgeWidth R/W int the width of the polygon
vertexStyle R/W int the style of each vertex in the the polygon
vertexColor R/W string the color of each vertex in in the the polygon
vertexSize R/W int the size of each vertex in in the the polygon
textColor R/W string the color of the text
textBackColor R/W color the back color of the text
textSize R/W int the size of the text
textStyle R/W int binary coded value, 1=bold, 2=italic, 3=underline, 4=strikethroug
font R/W string the font name of the text
The OverlayPolygon class

The OverlayPlygon inherits from OverlayItem and have additional properties. The OverlayPolygon is returned from Overlay.add method and is used for adding arrlib polygons

Attribute Access Type Description
penMode R/W int the pen mode of the polygon
edgeStyle R/W int the line edge style of the polygon
edgeColor R/W int the color of the polygon
edgeWidth R/W int the width of the polygon
vertexStyle R/W int the style of each vertex in the the polygon
vertexColor R/W string the color of each vertex in in the the polygon
vertexSize R/W int the size of each vertex in in the the polygon
The OverlayLine class

The OverlayPlygon inherits from OverlayPolygon and is returned from the Overlay.addLine method

Attribute Access Type Description
start R/W tuple(x,y) line starting point in pixels
end R/W tuple(x,y) line endpoint in pixels
center R/W tuple(x,y) line center in pixels
length R/W float length in pixels
The OverlayRect class

The OverlayRect inherits from OverlayPolygon and is returned from the Overlay.addLine method

Attribute Access Type Description
min R/W tuple(x,y) line starting point in pixels
max R/W tuple(x,y) line end point in pixels
width R/W float heigth of rectangle
height R/W float width rectangle
center R/W tuple(x,y) center in pixels
The OverlayMarker class

The OverlayMarker inherits from OverlayPolygon having one vertex only. Useful properties are pos,color,style and size.

The OverlayText class

The OverlayText inherits from OverlayItem and have additional attributes

Attribute Access Type Description
textColor R/W string the color of the text
textBackColor R/W color the back color of the text
textSize R/W int the size of the text
textStyle R/W int binary coded value, 1=bold, 2=italic, 3=underline, 4=strikethroug
angle R/W float angle of text, equals font orientation
transparent R/W bool bool for drawing the text without filling background with textBackColor
font R/W string the font name of the text
alignment R/W int text alignement, left,right,center
scale R/W int text scaling factor used for hiding text unless zoomed. The scale is minimum size of an image pixel in screen pixels before the text gets visible.

Scorpion Vision Version XII : Build 665 - Date: 20170919
Scorpion Vision Software® is a registered trademark of Tordivel AS.
Copyright © 2000 - 2017 Tordivel AS.