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Constraints.Constraints (1)

A set of constraints can be specified, limiting the blobs that are found by the tool (result validation). The constraints apply to each blob, and all must be satisfied for a blob to be considered qualified.

Constraints temporarily disabled - Check when configuring to quickly see which blobs are filtered out

Contour area - Area including any holes

Blob area - Area excluding any holes

Number of holes - Minimum and maximum number of holes to accept the blob

Note: Blobs with fewer holes than the minimum limit or more holes than the maximum limit will be removed from the results

Size of hole - A minimum hole area implies that the blob must have a hole; a maximum area does not.

Note:  small holes can be ignored by setting the Hole filter

Intensity - used to remove blobs with an average intensity outside the minimum and maximum values

Note:  if Calculate blob intensity/std on the Advanced page is turned off, this will not work

Std intensity - used to remove blobs with an intensity variations outside the minimum and maximum values

Note:  if Calculate blob intensity/std on the Advanced page is turned off, this will not work

Circularity - Minimum and maximum circularity limits to accept a blob

Note: A smooth factor of 2 or 3 will normally lead to a better circularity estimate

Proximity - minimum distance between blobs. You can select to retain the largest or the smallest of the two

Constraints.Constraints (2)

Constraints temporarily disabled - Check when configuring to quickly see which blobs are filtered out

Axis ratio - Minimum and maximum limit values for axis ratio

Axis ratio is length / width of bounding box.

Angle - Minimum and maximum limit values for angle

Length of bounding box - Minimum and maximum length limits for bounding box

Width of bounding box Minimum and maximum width limits for bounding box 

Area of bounding box Minimum and maximum area limits for bounding box 

Length of aligned rectangle - Minimum and maximum length limits for aligned rectangle

Width of aligned rectangle Minimum and maximum width limits for aligned rectangle

Area of aligned rectangle Minimum and maximum area limits for aligned rectangle

Note: An aligned rectangle is a minimum bounding box that is aligned with the x and y axes.

Cluster Constraints

Constraints.Feature classification

Constraints temporarily disabled - Check when configuring to quickly see which blobs are filtered out

Classification constraints active - check to filter objects by the Classification limits (below)

Only objects in active classes - if checked, objects classified as belonging to a deactivated class are removed. If unchecked, objects in deactivated classes are retained, and not filtered by the classification limits.

Feature classes/references - define feature classes and add references

- Define a new feature class

- Delete feature class and all references

- Add a reference. The Add reference dialog box opens:

The defined classes are listed in the Class dropdown. Select a class to add references to. By clicking one of the numbered fields under Select, the numbered object is highlighted in the main image.

  • Click OK to add a single reference and close the add references box
  • Click Add to add a reference and keep the dialog open
  • Click Cancel or Close to close the dialog

Show all - overrides classification constraints set, displaying all objects.
Show classified - show only recognised (classified) objects
Show unclassified - show only unrecognised (unclassified) objects.

- Remove a selected reference

Class list popup menu

  • Add class - same as
  • Rename class - set new class name
  • Delete class - same as
  • Delete all classes - empty all lists
  • Copy all classes - copy all classes with references to the clipboard. Useful for moving definitions between tool instances
  • Paste (replace all classes) - replaces all class definitions with contents on the clipboard

Note that these operations cannot be undone.

Reference list popup menu

  • Add reference - same as
  • Rename reference - set new reference name
  • Edit reference - bring up a dialog for manual editing of the reference's details
  • Delete reference - same as
  • Delete all references - empty the reference list for the selected class

Note that these operations cannot be undone.

Classification limits - Used to filter objects when Classification constraints active is checked.

Max distance - max accepted distance limit to reference

Min separation (dB) - min accepted separation between best and second-best match

Weights - a number of object properties can be selected to be used in the classification. Each property has an associated function and a weight.

Check each property that is to be included

Automatic weight calculation - 

  • Checked: always keep the weights updated when references are added or deleted. Select the calculation function from the drop-down box [1/(max-min), 1/Std, 1/(3*Std) or 1).
  • Unchecked: weights can be set individually (below). Click the button to calculate all weights with the function selected in the drop-down box - useful as a starting point.

To set a relative weight manually you must uncheck Automatic weight calculation; weights can then be entered in the edit fields.

Functions and static values -

Pressing the button for a feature brings up this dialog:

Function - a normalising function can be applied to the property value prior to weighing. Reasonable defaults are set for new tools.

  • None
  • Square root - x^(1/2)
  • Cube root - x^(1/3)
  • Square - x^2
  • Cube - x^3

Static -  A static value can be used in the classification, overriding the individual references' feature values. Check the Static checkbox and enter the static value. The button is changed to as a reminder.

Include in description -

Classification results can be displayed next to the class name in the image. Useful for deciding the classification limit values

  • Index - object number
  • Name - class name, if any
  • Distance - classification distance
  • Separation - classification separation (dB)

Constraints.Feature statistics

This list displays statistics for the properties across all references.


Scorpion Vision Version XII : Build 646 - Date: 20170225
Scorpion Vision Software® is a registered trademark of Tordivel AS.
Copyright © 2000 - 2017 Tordivel AS.