Up | Setup | Threshold | Advanced | Constraints | Visualisation | Results | Commands | Shortcuts | Examples | Release Notes



Count Number of blobs found
Coverage Total blob area in percent of the ROI-area
Largest contour area Largest contour area (hole area included).
Largest blob area Largest blob area (hole area subtracted).
Total contour area Total area of all blobs (hole area included).
Total blob area Total area of all blobs (hole area subtracted).
Threshold Threshold calculated by Auto or Percentile
Thresholds All thresholds (as a Python tuple), also multipass
Threshold low Low threshold, specified or calculated by Percentiles
Threshold high High threshold, specified or calculated by Percentiles
All centers Python tuple with sorted blob centers of gravity
Dominant class Feature classification: dominant class name.
Dominant value Feature classification: largest value
Second dominant class Feature classification: next dominant class name
Second dominant value Feature classification: second largest value
Dominant separation Feature classification: separation between these values
ROI intensity Statistics for ROI (not calculated if specified thresholds)
ROI min Statistics for ROI (not calculated if specified thresholds)
ROI max Statistics for ROI (not calculated if specified thresholds)
ROI std Statistics for ROI (not calculated if specified thresholds)
Cluster timeout 1 if clustering has timed out (no clustering performed)
Contour[n] Contour polygon for blob n
Hole1[n] Contour polygon for largest hole in blob n
Hole2[n] Contour polygon for second largest hole in blob n
Convex hull[n] Convex hull polygon for blob n
Bounding box[n] Bounding box polygon for blob n
Contour area[n] Contour area for blob n
Contour length[n] Contour length for blob n
Blob area[n] Area (ex. holes) for blob n
No of holes[n] Number of distinct holes inside blob n
Intensity[n] Average intensity for blob n
Std intensity[n] Intensity variation for blob n
Threshold distance[n] Distance to blob threshold
Center[n].x x position of blob center
Center[n].y y position of blob center
CenterDistance[n] Distance from blob center to origin
Major axis[n] Length of blob major axis
Minor axis[n] Length of blob major axis
Circularity[n] Blob shape (1=perfect circle)
Axis ratio[n] Major axis / minor axis
Angle[n] Angle of major axis
Length[n] Bounding box length
Width[n] Bounding box width
Bounding box area[n] Bounding box area
Aligned length X[n] Axis aligned bounding box length
Aligned width Y[n] Axis aligned bounding box width
Aligned rect area[n] Axis aligned bounding box area
Volume[n] Blob volume (area*intensity)
Classification[n] Class name
Distance[n] Distance to best match
Separation[n] Separation best to second-best match
Clustered[n] 1 if this is a blob cluster


Scorpion Vision Version XII : Build 646 - Date: 20170225
Scorpion Vision Software® is a registered trademark of Tordivel AS.
Copyright © 2000 - 2017 Tordivel AS.