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Polygon match

Polygon match

  • Parameters to adjust - degrees of freedom in polygon match algorithm

    1. Translation, rotation - default

    2. Translation, scale

    3. Translation, rotation, scale, skew

      • Note: good image quality and an increased Repeat Count is needed to get a good fit

      • Note: the shape of the polygon must contain information to be able to calculate all degrees of freedom

    1. Translation, rotation, perspective

      • Note: good image quality and an increased Repeat Count is needed to get a good fit

      • Note: the shape of the polygon must contain information to be able to calculate all degrees of freedom

    2. Translation, rotation, scale

      • Note: alternates between Translation/rotation and Translation/scale for the different passes

    3. Translation (circles) - legacy

      • Used mainly for circular polygons

    4. Translation

  • n - Max repeat count - max number of times to reapply match

  • f - Omit further iterations if fit % exceeds - match is considered good enough - process no further

  • F - Abort if fit % is less than - discard last iteration and process no further

  • Abort if fit % deteriorates - discard last iteration and process no further

  • Abort if fit RMS deteriorates - discard last iteration and process no further

  • k - Keep best points (%) - disregard "worst case" points in polygon fit

    • Dynamic - keep few points if bad match, more points for good matches

  • D - Perform final fit with distance constraints - additional cycle, using only points closer than

    • Final fit max distance (pixels) - distance limit

Multi polygon match

  • Activate Multi match to run multiple polygon match validations

  • Sample multi match strings are : P1n2C5;P7n4

    • The multimatch string overrides the default settings - the search is ended on first match

Hint: To learn the PolygonMatch concept one can study the PolygonMatch3 tool.

Result acceptance (constraints)

  • c - Min match percentage - disregard match if fewer points were fitted

    • The is the primaty contraints - the other are used in more special cases

  • r - Max match RMS - disregard match if RMS is larger

  • a - Max total angle correction - disregard match if too much movement

  • i - Max total distance correction - disregard match if too much movement

  • x - Max total offset X correction - disregard match if too much movement

  • y- Max total offset Y correction - disregard match if too much movement

Turn off polygon match template validation

  • Invalidate template match if polygon match fails - polygon match must succeed for template match to be valid

  • Turn off only when teaching / configuring the templatefinder 3

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