Data logging is a powerful subsystem in Scorpion
where measure data can be logged only by configuration.
The sub-system has the following properties:
- Storing files with a dynamic
filename and directory path
- Automatic deletion of files
older than N days
- Storage paths defined by tagname
- Batch / Day / Month
The system is enabled and disabled by the oser or
connected to a dynamic value in
the tagdatabase.
The following commands are available:
- Add parameters from tag database
- Configure - change parameter link
Selection up
Selection down
- Delete parameter
- Configure - activate Data Logging Setup
Help - activate this page
Data Logging Setup Dialog
The data logging has the following properties:
- Base folder
- Can create and mange dynamic
- Dynamic or static files name
reflecting the state of the system
- Multiple extensions and field
Logging can optionally be connected to the system
classification States of Scorpion.
Parameter selection dialog activated by