Up | PolarLine - 27 | IntensityTool - 5 | PointDistance - 26 | ArcialLineFinder - 34 | EdgeFinder - 42 | MultiArcFinder - 48 | PolyLineEdgeFaults - 50 | MultiIntensity - 52 | RadialLineFinder - 36 | Blob2 - 46 | BlobTool - 6



BlobTool - 6

A blob is a continuous area with the same shading limited by a contour, and possibly a number of internal holes.

Note : BlobTool is replaced by Blob1.

Hole area 1 = H1
Hole area 2 = H2
Blob area = A
Contour area = A+H

Based on a set of filtering criteria, the blob tool finds one or more (currently up to 15) blobs (areas within a contour) within the region of interest (ROI).

The following results are found:

  • General statistics (blob count, coverage)

  • Properties of the largest blob

  • Individual properties for the set of qualified blobs

The tool delivers an output (child) reference coordinate system that is the incoming reference system translated to the center of gravity of the largest blob found.

See also Locate detail with Blob.


Reference - Reference system selection

Search Area - the tool's region of interest

Emphasizing gradients - Activate Sobel-filter to work on a differentiated image

Morphology - Erode or dilate the found blob area

  • Example : e2d2 - erodes two pixel before dilating 2 pixels

Area Search

  • Minimum threshold - minimum accepted intensity value
  • Maximum threshold - maximum accepted intensity value
  • Smooth factor - smoothes the contour - used to correct the result contour length

- will activate a tool parameter browser.

Note : Minimum and maximum threshold can be linked to a result in another tool - Very often a percentile value from the Intensity Tool

Result validation

  • Smallest Area - when active smallest accepted area
  • Largest Area - when active largest accepted area

Note : Result validation is very powerful. Used to remove results obvious wrong. Blob2 has a larger set of constraints to validate results.



Number of blobs found


Total blob area in percent of the ROI-area

Largest area

Largest contour area (hole area included).

Largest blob area

Largest blob area (hole area subtracted).

Total blob area

Total area of all blobs (hole area subtracted).


Average light intensity of the blob with largest contour area

Center of gravity

Center of gravity of largest blob given in coordinates

Contour area[n]

Contour area for blob n

Contour length[n]

Contour length for blob n

Blob area[n]

Area (ex. holes) for blob n

Number of holes[n]

Number of distinct holes inside blob n


Average intensity for blob n

Center of gravity[n]

Center, blob n given in coordinates


All blobs

A line following the contour of each blobs

All centers

A separate mark for each blob center of gravity

All holes

A line following the contour of each hole

Center of gravity

A point defining the largest blob’s center of gravity


A cross is shown in the ROI center if no blobs are found


Region Of Interest for the measurement

Max contour

The contour of the blob with largest contour area

ExecuteCmd support
(see also executeCmd)



Return values


Set Object=ROI;Value=<polygon>
Sets the tool's ROI. See Copy/paste ROIs for details.
Get Object=ROI ok,<polygon> Current ROI as rectangular, closed polygon

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