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Camera Support

Scorpion Vision Software is an open and independent machine vision system. The implication of this has been the following:

The Scorpion Camera Interface description is available upon request to enable user to interface their own cameras with Scorpion.

Supporting USB, Firewire, IP-camera and GigE using DirectShow - Firegrab.dll

When the Scorpion project was started in 2000 the goal was to support all USB and Firewire cameras using the Microsoft DirectShow interface. This lead to the development of the Scorpion Camera Driver:

  • firegrab.dll - supports all DirectShow compatible camera devices

With this driver we are able to support most windows camera devices - including USB 2.0 and 3.0 web and machine vision cameras and the complete range of DCAM compatible firewire cameras. FireGrab.dll is implemented as a true DirectShow interface but is enhanced with the Unibrain MS Stack SDK enabling support for machine vision features like hw-trigger, format-7 and direct register access for firewire cameras. More on Unibrain Fire-I and Scorpion support.

Another long term supporter of DirectShow is The Imaging Source - the firegrab.dll is of course compatible with the drivers from The Imaging Source.

From Scorpion Vision Version X.I the most used 32 and 64 bit drivers are included in the Scorpion Vision Installer.

Other important Scorpion Camera Drivers are:

  • Sony GigE Camera
  • AVT Prosilica and Firepackage
  • BaslerB Pylon support for area and linescan cameras
  • Sony SmartCam
    • ICamGrab.dll - support the XCI-SX1 Smartcam
    • ICamGrab_V3.dll - support the XCI-V3 SmartCam
    • Second generation V100 and SX100 both monochrome and color
  • Matrox Mil9 support for Cameralink and GigE Vision
  • PtGrey Firewire and GigE cameras
  • Sick IVP and Microsoft Kinect providing 3D support

Check the Scorpion Vision Installer for the latest drivers compatible with Scorpion Vision Software.

Changing the Scorpion Camera Driver dll

  • Activate the Service.Camera tab
  • R-mouse click the Camera Settings menu
  • Select Cameradriver
  • Select the the actual camera dll file



Scorpion Vision Version XV  : Build 757 - Date: 20190817
Scorpion Vision Software® is a registered trademark of Tordivel AS.
Copyright © 2000 - 2019 Tordivel AS.