Up | ExternalLogic - 14 | ExternalScalar - 2 | ExternalText - 40 | ExternalPoint - 39 | ExternalLine - 38 | ExternalData - 66 | ExternalPolygon - 76 | ExternalPolygon2 - 156 | ExternalDictionary - 71 | LinearScaleTool - 4 | LogicPack - 18 | ToolBox - 92 | DataImport - 93 | ToolImport - 94 | Classifier - 86

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ExternalPoint - 39

Tool Name:

Tool Index: 39
Tool Category: Data Tools


The ExternalPoint tool is a data tool which holds state information, in form of a floating point value for the X co-ordinate and a floating point value for the Y co-ordinate of the point.

Like other tools from the 'Data Tools' tool category, the ExternalPoint tool does not do any processing. It is used for holding state. The ExternalPoint tool can be accessed from other tools defined in the profile, and the scripts configured in the Scorpion, for getting or setting a floating point value.

All the tools from the 'Data Tools' category are used primarily for -

  • Holding one or more states. This is very similar to variables used in Python script which are used for holding states. Data tools however have more settings, inline with the Scorpion architecture, for more control on the states they hold. Other tools and the scripts defined in the profile can query current value and can also set the value for any state held by a data tool.

  • Interfacing with user interface elements. The Scorpion Vision Software support very useful feature of customized user interface, for controlling the processing at run-time, by setting values for different processing parameters. Though it is possible to directly link the user interface elements to the processing tools, it is a recommended practice to use data tools as intermediate layer to interface with the user interface elements and actual processing tools linking to the data tools. This provides better separation of user interface and processing, and hence helps in reducing the setup, fine-tuning and maintenance time.

User Interface:

(A) Tool Configuration dialog box – Setup Tab

1. The ‘Reference’ drop down can be used to select the input 2D reference. The input 2D reference provides the origin (0,0) and rotation of the X and Y-axis. It is strongly recommended to click on the 'Apply' button available on the main tool configuration window, to apply the newly selected input reference. This reference is then used while configuring all other tool parameters.
2. The ‘External data’ group can be used for defining the properties for the point value held by the tool.
3. The ‘Set to initial value before inspection’ check-box can be used to reset the value of the state held by the ExternalPoint tool, to the configured initial value, before every inspection cycle.
4. The ‘Make external changes permanent’ check-box can be used to make the value persistent, which means that the value of the state is remembered across the session. The last value if remembered when the profile is closed and the value of the tool is reset to this remembered value when the profile is loaded next time.
5. The ‘Always transfer pasted values to results’ check-box can be used to immediately transferring all the pasted values to results when the 'Paste ROI from Clipboard' button is clicked.
6. The ‘Initial x-value’ text-box can be used to specify the initial value of the x coordinate of the point managed by the ExternalPoint tool. It can be any floating point value.
7. The ‘Initial y-value’ text-box can be used to specify the initial value of the y coordinate of the point managed by the ExternalPoint tool. It can be any floating point value.
8. The ‘Paste ROI from Clipboard’ button available next to the 'Initial x-value' can be used to copy user defined point from the clipboard to the initial x-value and initial y-value properties. It is expected that a single point is defined on the image, by pressing the CTRL keyboard key and simultaneously using mouse left button click to define the target point. When ‘Paste ROI from Clipboard’ button is clicked, the coordinated of this selected point are copied to the 'Initial x-value' and 'Initial y-value' text-boxes, considering the configured input 2D reference.
Please note that if the input 2D reference is changed, it is required to again click on the 'Paste ROI from Clipboard' to paste correct coordinates of the selected point, as per the new input 2D reference.
If multiple points are selected on the image, which indicate a polygon, clicking on the 'Paste ROI from Clipboard' button has no effect. It is expected that only single point is selected on the image while 'Paste ROI from Clipboard' button is clicked for pasting the coordinates of the selected point.
9. The ‘Copy ROI to Clipboard’ button available next to the 'Initial y-value' can be used to paste the configured point to the clipboard. This is useful in viewing the exact location of the configured point on the inspection image and fine-tuning, if required.
10. The ‘Transfer initial value to result’ button can be used to set the result of the tool to the configured initial value. The result value of the tool does not get updated, unless processing happens. It is a recommended practice to click this button to set the result value to the initial value during the ExternalPoint tool configuration.
11. The ‘Transfer results to initial value’ button can be used to set the initial value of the tool to the current tool result value.

Basic Processing when the tool is executed:

1. If 'Set to initial value before inspection' is enabled, the value of the state held by the tool is reset to the configured 'initial value'.

Inputs to the Tool:
Inputs: None
Uses Reference: Yes, uses a 2D reference
Uses Image: No


Outputs from the Tool:
1 Value_x: Numeric The value of the x coordinate of the current point managed by the ExternalPoint tool. This is a floating point value.
2 Value_y: Numeric The value of the y coordinate of the current point managed by the ExternalPoint tool. This is a floating point value.
3 StatusText: Text This is a standard output from all Scorpion tools and describes the processing status
4 Status: Numeric This is a standard output from all Scorpion tools and indicates error/success of the tool processing. 1 indicates success and 0 indicates error.
5 AnalyzeTime: Numeric This is a standard output from all Scorpion tools and indicates the time taken by the last processing operation of this tool
1 Value: Location of the point with respect to the input 2D reference
Reference outputs: None

Supports Templates: No

Scorpion Vision Version XII : Build 646 - Date: 20170225
Scorpion Vision Software® is a registered trademark of Tordivel AS.
Copyright © 2000 - 2017 Tordivel AS.