The Scorpion data types are defined in the toolbox.
The following tools are available in the Data group:
- Simple Data Types
- User defined data types
- Other
- ExternalDictionary -
user defined product types used for toolbox variant handling
- LinearScaleTool -
transform a results using linear scale transform ax + b
- LogicPack - packs a sorted
set of logic tools into a word results
The tool’s values
are either initially set by the user, from a Data Input page, Initial value, as a script result or
by using the Scorpion external communication interface; tcp-ip or
A data tool have an optional persistence in the scorpion.spb
configuration file - option Make external changes permanent
With the ExternalData tool you can define your own record to model your

The data tools are the glue combining external values/results from other
measuring systems to Scorpion, thus becoming an integrated part of the
solution. When connecting Scorpion to a robot or PLC, you will often use an
ExternalScalar to keep the value for program selection using the SetValue
command over tcp/ip or rs-232. The external system can thus automatically configure the Scorpion profile
during one or two milliseconds.
The logic tools are very important in Scorpion. They define states used
for state classification.