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LineFinder2 - 89 | LineEdgeFinder - 8 | LineEdgeCaliper - 16 | RadialArcFinder - 35 | LineFinder - 41 | LineEdgeFaults - 17 | WidthGauger - 65 | CircleGauger - 67 | SingleLineFinder - 128


Edge Tools

Scorpion's set of high precision edge finders is suited for high precision gauging when combined with the Calibrator tool and a high precision grid.

The following edge tools are available:

  • LineEdgeFinder - simple edge finder to locate one line or edge
  • LineEdgeCaliper - measures the distance between to edges
  • RadialArcFinder - uses trace lines to locate one circle
  • LineFinder - robust and powerful edge tool for locating multiple straight lines
  • LineFinder2 - LineFinder enhanced with two perpendicular trace lines and feature classification
  • SingleLineFinder - high precision tool for finding a single line
  • WidthGauger - edge tool for object measurement - straight trace lines
  • CircleGauger - edge tool for round object measurement
  • LineEdgeFaults - tool for detecting defects from a straight line

The Advanced group contains the following edge tools:

  • PolygonMatch - locates a single object with sub-pixel accuracy based on a user defined polygon model
  • PolyLineEdgeFaults - locates error along user defined polygon(s) - optional polygon match model fitting can be selected before edge detection
  • PolyLineEdgefaults2 - an enhanced PLEF with shape classification
  • PolyLineGapFinder - locates a gap along a path defined by multiple polygons

The LineFinder and LineFinder2 tool's unique constraints make it easy to add geometric knowledge.
This makes it very robust even in low contrast problems. The trace combs concept provides a very robust and selective method to find edges with sub-pixel accuracy. The intensity variations are handled using first or second order differentiation.

LineFinder's geometric constraints

LineFinder2 is enhanced with Feature Classification and user defined Curve Correlation filters.


Scorpion Vision Version XII : Build 646 - Date: 20170225
Scorpion Vision Software® is a registered trademark of Tordivel AS.
Copyright © 2000 - 2017 Tordivel AS.