Up | ExternalLogic - 14 | ExternalScalar - 2 | ExternalText - 40 | ExternalPoint - 39 | ExternalLine - 38 | ExternalData - 66 | ExternalPolygon - 76 | ExternalPolygon2 - 156 | ExternalDictionary - 71 | LinearScaleTool - 4 | LogicPack - 18 | ToolBox - 92 | DataImport - 93 | ToolImport - 94 | Classifier - 86

Setup | Toolbox | Visualisation | Results | Examples | Release Notes


ToolBox - 92


The ToolBox tool is used to define image processing components using a collection of tools.

The tools DataImport and ToolImport are Toolbox companions. These are used to import complete tools or results into the scope of the toolbox tool.

A toolbox tool can contain a toolbox tool that contains an other toolbox tool with no level restriction.

The following demo profiles shows how well the toolbox tool can be used to divide a complex task into four simple toolboxes:

ToolBox python class:

Access method : GetToolBox(name)

The derived python tool class supporting access to ToolBox specific attributes and methods. In addition to the attributes and methods of the object returned by GetTool(name) the ToolBox class has following attributes and methods.

Attribute Access Type Description
tools R ToolList returns embedded toollist
showToolbox R/W bool the visualization masterflag for showing embedded tools

Method Returns Description
getDataInput(name) DataInput returns internal DataInput object. Note! available only when configuration dialog is shown, else None is returned
getDataInputByChild(ctrl) DataInput returns internal DataInput object owning the ctrl, typically used in DataInput callback scripts
dataInputApply(page="") int apply all or single DataInput page. Returns pages applied
dataInputRefresh(page="") int refresh all or single DataInput page. Returns pages refreshed




Scorpion Vision Version XII : Build 650 - Date: 20170614
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