Up | Logic - 1 | Blob1 - 61 | Intensity - 75 | PythonScript - 3 | BaseTool - 163 | SimpleMath - 21 | DummyTool - 20 | Goto - 59 | ColorMatcher - 54 | ImageCombiner - 74 | ImageFilter - 77 | ImageConverter - 55 | BarCodeReader - 56 | EasyBarCode - 72 | EasyMatrixCode - 73 | CommitImage - 159 | Separator - 102

Sample Profiles | Release Notes


Logic - 1

Tool Name:

Tool Index: 1
Tool Category: Basic Tools


The LogicTool tool validates one or more mathematical conditions and generates a false ( 0 ) or true ( 1 ) result.

The mathematical conditions are based on parameters in the tag database. These are system variables or data exposed from other tools that are already configured.

An example of an mathematical condition:

  • 'number of blobs detected by a Blob4 tool (which is already configured) is greater than 0'.

User Interface:

(A) Tool Configuration dialog box – Setup Tab

1. It shows the list of currently configured conditions.
2. The ‘New’ button can be clicked to add a new condition to the list of conditions. When ‘New’ button is clicked, the ‘Logic Parameter’ dialog box is popped up, which can be used to specify new condition.
3. The ‘Edit’ button can be update the already configured condition. When a condition is selected from the list of conditions and the ‘Edit’ button is clicked, it pops up the ‘Logic Parameter’ dialog box showing the current settings. The settings can be edited and ‘OK’ button is clicked to save the edited settings.
4. The ‘Delete’ button can be clicked to delete the selected condition from the list of configured conditions. A confirmation dialog box is popped up before deleting a condition.
5. The ‘Operator’ selection is used to specify the mode for combining results from individual conditions to calculate the final 0 or 1 result.
6. The ‘Inverted’ check box can be used to invert of the final result, at the end of the condition processing. This works similar to ‘Not’ operator, for the final result.
7. The ‘Manual’ group provides the interface for the manual overrides. The manual override can be activated by enabling the ‘Active’ check box and the final result can be set to ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’. Manual override ignores the final result from the processing and sets the final result to the user specified override value. This is useful during testing and fine-tuning.

(B) ‘Logic Parameter’ dialog box

1. The ‘Measured value’ group provides interface for selecting the parameter / measured value to be validated.
2. The ‘Tool’ drop-down box lists all the available tools.
3. The ‘Parameter’ drop-down box lists all parameters and values available for the tool selected in the ‘Tool’ dropdown box.
4. The ‘Conditions’ group provides interface for specifying the validation limits.
5. The ‘Minimum’ check can be enabled, for validating the tool parameter value against a minimum limit. The minimum limit value can be typed as a fixed value. Or it can also be set as a dynamic value which is a measured value from any of the tools already configured in the Scorpion Vision Software.
6. The ‘…’ button next to the ‘Minimum’ can be clicked to pop up the parameter selection ‘Select…..’ dialog box.

The tool can be selected from the left panel and the associated parameter can be selected from the right pane.
7. The ‘Maximum' check can be enabled, for validating the tool parameter value against a maximum limit. The maximum limit value can be typed as a fixed value. Or it can also be set as a dynamic value which is a measured value from any of the tools already configured in the Scorpion Vision Software.
8. The ‘…’ button next to the ‘Maximum’ can be clicked to pop up the parameter selection ‘Select…..’ dialog box and for selecting the tool and the associated parameter.
9. The ‘State when undefined measured values’ can be used to specify the result from the mathematical condition when the value of the tool parameter being validated is undefined.
10. The ‘Invert’ check box can be used to enable / disable the inversion of the result of the mathematical condition, at the end of the condition processing. This works similar to ‘Not’ operator, for the condition being configured.

Basic Processing when the tool is executed:

1. Each individual condition is processed to calculate the False(0) or True(1) for each individual condition based on the tool parameter values at the time of evaluation.
2. Results from all the individual conditions is AND / ORed to calculate the final result False(0) or True(1).

Inputs to the Tool:
Inputs: 1. Values of different tool parameters used in the individual conditions, at the time of processing.
Uses Reference: No
Uses Image: No

Outputs from the Tool:
1 Value: Numeric Final result value from the LogicTool processing, as False (0) or True (1)
2 StatusText: Text This is a standard output from all Scorpion tools and describes the processing status
3 Status: Numeric This is a standard output from all Scorpion tools and indicates error/success of the tool processing. 1 indicates success and 0 indicates error.
4 AnalyzeTime: Numeric This is a standard output from all Scorpion tools and indicates the time taken by the last processing operation of this tool
Visualizations: None
Reference outputs: None

Supports Templates: No


Scorpion Vision Version XII : Build 646 - Date: 20170225
Scorpion Vision Software® is a registered trademark of Tordivel AS.
Copyright © 2000 - 2017 Tordivel AS.