Up | Logic - 1 | Blob1 - 61 | Intensity - 75 | PythonScript - 3 | BaseTool - 163 | SimpleMath - 21 | DummyTool - 20 | Goto - 59 | ColorMatcher - 54 | ImageCombiner - 74 | ImageFilter - 77 | ImageConverter - 55 | BarCodeReader - 56 | EasyBarCode - 72 | EasyMatrixCode - 73 | CommitImage - 159 | Separator - 102

Release Notes


ColorMatcher - 54

The ColorMatcher is defined to find the closest color to an area of a color image. The user can define Colors and a set of reference images to each Color. It is easy to verify the color of e.g. a wire with the matcher.

The ColorMatcher works this way:

For any reference the mean value of the Hue, Sat and Intensity is computed. The mean value is the mean value across all pixels within the ROI (Region of Interest).

When a sample color is tested in the tool, this happens:

  1. The mean value of the Hue, Sat and Intensity is computed.

  2. The Feature Distance is computed - see classification section

  3. The  list of colors sorted on D values is then produced.

  4. The prefilter is now brought into play.  For a color with equal I but H and S values swapped the D will be the same.
    But the H and S values may differ.  By placing a prefilter constraint on say the H value the color with a greater H value than the constraint will be marked yellow and will not contribute in the process.

  5. The Max distance constraint will bring out of play any colors with a D value grater than this constraint.

  6. The Min separation constraint removes any matches with a Separation lower than this value.


Reference - Reference system selection

ROI - the tool's region of interest

The ROI is managed by the buttons

  • Paste - paste the ROI from the image to the scorpion clipboard
  • Copy - copy the ROI to the image from the scorpion clipboard

Point & Click Clipboard Support

The rectangular ROI is defined by four points.

 One point will change the center point.



  • Show best reference - when active the best reference is selected for each inspection
  • Current Image - Image is updated when an inspection is performed - the image region is transferred from the captured image
  • Selected Reference - displays the image of the best or selected reference
  • Status bar
    • Best - Name of color
    • Dist  - Distance of best match
    • Sep  - Logarithmic separation between best color and second best color
  • - Adds a color with a given name
  • - Removes a color with it's reference images
  • - Adds the current image as a reference to the selected reference
  • - Removes the selected reference

Reference Mouse Menu

The following items are available in the reference list mouse menu:

  • Add Reference

  • Delete Reference

  • Rename Reference

  • Delete All References

Adding references using Point & Click


By adding a point to the clipboard selecting the a named color and pressing   will add a reference image to the tool - a rectangle defined by four points  is also supported.




Specifies the maximum deviation of the HSI from a reference image - these filters are normally off. Can be used to tell the tool that there is no or little intensity variations.

  • H - max deviation

  • S - max deviation

  • I - max deviation

  • H std - max deviation

  • S std - max deviation

  • I std - max deviation

Feature distance

  • Activates the color planes to be part of the distance calculation

    • H - activates Hue

    • S - activates Saturation

    • I - activates Intensity

  • Weighting factors - coeffisients for the feature distance formula

    • H - Mean Hue - default 4 - increases the importance of the Hue value

    • S - Mean Saturation - default 1

    • I - Mean Intensity - default 1

    • H std - Standard Deviation Hue

    • S std - Standard Deviation Saturation

    • I std - Standard Deviation Intensity

  • Weighing of H by

    • S - Saturation - default on

    • I - Intensity - default  on

  • Feature Distance Formula

    • Original measure H,S and I equivalent - d = sqrt(H*H + S*S + I*I)

    • H linearly weighted by normalized S and I as selected

    • H weighted by square  root of normalized S and I as selected - recommended Feature Distance


  • Maximum distance - the maximum distance between the current image for a reference image to be accepted

  • Minimum Separation - the minimum separation between the best and the second best color for the color to be accepted

Note : when a color isn't accepted the match result is 0 or FALSE



The feature list display a sorted, by distance, list of reference images. The accepted reference are checked with a green arrow.




True if a color is matched

Color Name of matched color
Code The user defined index of the color
Reference Name of matching reference
Distance Distance between image and best reference
Separation Distance between matched color and the second closest color
HSI Values for Hue, Saturation and Intensity
Color[] List of defined colors
Distance[] Distance for each color to current image
Feature[] Complete feature list for reference images




Center position of ROI

ROI Region of Interest


ExecuteCmd support (see also executeCmd)



Return values


Set Object=ROI;Value=<polygon>
Sets the tool's ROI. See Copy/paste ROIs for details.
Get Object=ROI ok,<polygon> Current ROI as rectangular, closed polygon


ok,None Creates or replaces named color reference. The polygon defines the reference's position in the image. Name and Code are optional
Get Object=Colornames ok,<names> All color names as a Python tuple
Get Object=Referencenames;Color=<color> ok,<names> All reference names defined for the named color
Delete Object=Color;Name=<name> ok,None Removes named color and all its references
Delete Object=Reference;Color=<color>;
ok,None Deletes specified color reference
DeleteAll Object=Color;Color=<color>; ok,None Deletes specified color references
DeleteAll - ok,None Deletes all colors and references


Example 1:

features = eval(GetValue('ColorMatcher.Feature[]'))  # a python dictionary is generated
print features

#provides the following console output

{'blue': {'1': (137.83000000000001, 232.78, 52.390000000000001), '0': (118.36, 115.31999999999999, 81.519999999999996), '3': (121.0, 131.84, 71.079999999999998), '2': (146.91999999999999, 255.0, 71.219999999999999), '5': (118.68000000000001, 140.12, 71.239999999999995), '4': (126.0, 165.19999999999999, 71.359999999999999), '7': (102.04000000000001, 82.680000000000007, 81.680000000000007), '6': (60.799999999999997, 71.439999999999998, 95.560000000000002),
'green': {'1': (86.920000000000002, 43.219999999999999, 102.61), '0': (51.399999999999999, 97.439999999999998, 94.200000000000003), '3': (51.159999999999997, 85.319999999999993, 99.319999999999993), '2': (53.880000000000003, 109.40000000000001,85.439999999999998),
 'black': {'1': (143.0, 22.640000000000001, 51.969999999999999), '0': (43.920000000000002, 68.879999999999995, 35.399999999999999),
 'tree': {'1': (32.479999999999997, 63.159999999999997, 131.63999
999999999), '0': (33.079999999999998, 85.879999999999995, 119.88), '3': (31.84, 98.519999999999996, 118.48), '2': (31.48, 76.239999999999995, 126.04000000000001),
'red': {'1': (9.4000000000000004, 114.16, 100.08), '0': (9.5999999999999996, 213.56, 74.090000000000003), '3': (10.56, 101.52, 106.40000000000001), '2': (14.68, 75.120000000000005, 119.72)}}

Note  : this result is provided to enable creation of  custom feature distance in python


Example 2:

colors = eval(GetValue('ColorMatcher.Color[]'))  # generates a python list
print colors

#provides the following console output

('tree', 'black', 'blue', 'green', 'red')


Example 3:

distances = eval(GetValue('ColorMatcher.Distance[]'))  # generates a python list
print distances

# the features distance corresponds to the color of the corresponding element in the Color[] result

#provides the following console output

(46.299623839928799, 50.171249162203203, 54.0035532623723, 61.197111299248, 62.209603052612501)


Example 4:

It is possible to define classification logic using a python script. The following script example shows how to classify based on hsi values from a Color Matcher:

h = GetValue('cm.H')
s = GetValue('cm.S')
i = GetValue('cm.I')

print 'hsi - ',h,s,i

red = ( 158 < h < 168 ) and ( s > 200 ) and ( 50 < i < 100 )

blue = ( 0 < h < 15 ) and ( 75 < s < 225 ) and ( 80 < i < 200 )

darkgrey = ( 118 < h < 150 ) and ( 0 < s < 75 ) and ( 60 < i < 120 )

Black = ( 0 < s < 40) and ( 0 < i < 60 )

WhiteYellow = ( 127 < h < 137 ) and ( 100 < s < 200 ) and ( 120 < i < 180 )

brown = ( 138 < h < 154 ) and ( 50 < s < 150 ) and ( 80 < i < 120 )

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