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ReferenceFromPoints3D - 99

This tool creates a 2D/3D reference from a set of 3 to 12 3D points.

For the best performance, the 3D points should all be coplanar, or close to coplanar (but of course not collinear).

A best-fit plane is created from the 3D points, and the points are projected onto this plane prior to performing a coplanar mapping back to a 2D reference system. The new reference system can have its origin and direction calculated in a number of ways.

Both 2D and 3D reference systems are returned by this tool, where the 2D reference system refers to the x/y plane (z=0) in 3D.


3D coordinate system
  • Reference - select the 3D calibration tool that describes your camera.


  • Ignore points further from plane than - if selected, a second pass is run to fit the plane better, with outliers removed
  • Max Fit RMS for accept - the mean error from the points used in fitting the plane

Plane origin and direction

The origin of the resulting reference system and the direction of the X axis is calculated from two points (after projecting these points onto the plane). The first point sets the origin, and the direction from this to the second point will be the X axis.

  • Calculate from first two active points - use the first two active points, whether filtered as outliers or not
  • Calculate from first two accepted points - use the first two points actually used in the plane fit
  • Calculate from explicit points - specify points in space explicitly

Axis size - defines the length of the 3D axis visualisation

3D Points

At least 3 points must be active for the mapping to function. Select 3D points that are (nearly) coplanar to  create a new 2/3D reference system based on this 3D plane. (If 3 non-collinear points are used, the fit is perfect.)

  • Tool - tool delivering a 3D point (x, y and z)
  • Result - tool result to use


Axis.(X,Y,Z) Resulting (3D) axes for the new reference system
AxisTitle.(X,Y,Z) 3D axes labels
ChildAxes Resulting (2D) axes for the new reference system
PlanePoints Points used to create the new reference system


Active points Number of points marked as active
Valid points Number of points marked as valid by the referenced tools
Accepted points Number of points used to perform plane fit
Fit RMS RMS error from fitting 3D plane to points
Plane origin.x Plane origin x coordinate
Plane origin.y Plane origin y coordinate
Plane origin.z Plane origin z coordinate
X axis.(x,y,z) Orientation of the resulting x axis
Y axis.(x,y,z) Orientation of the resulting y axis
Z axis.(x,y,z) Orientation of the resulting z axis
Plane.x Se note below

Note: The infinite plane reported is the solution to the equation ax+by+cz+d=0, where the parameters a, b, c, d are given as the results Plane.x, Plane.y, Plane.z and Plane.w.


1: SDP-0076-Box-Picking-from-Conveyor

Scorpion Vision Version XII : Build 646 - Date: 20170225
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