This tool establishes a 3D reference with its X and Y axes on a given
plane. The Z axis will then be perpendicular to the plane. The origin and
X/Y direction of the resulting reference system can be set in a number of
different ways, ax explained below.
3D coordinate
- Reference - a 3D reference tool
Plane to project onto
- Tool - tool delivering a plane
- Result - tool result to use
- Note - most 3D tools will deliver an XYplane
result - this can be convenient to project onto.
Item to project onto plane
A tool reference, a line or a line defined by two points can be projected
onto the given plane. The projection can be done using one of several
Tool reference - project a reference system onto the plane

- Tool - a tool with a reference system
- Child refsys origin - where to place the resulting origin
- Origin nearest point on plane - at the refsys origin's
nearest point on the plane
- X axis/plane intersection - where the refsys' X axis
intersects the plane
- Y axis/plane intersection - where the refsys' Y axis
intersects the plane
- Z axis/plane intersection - where the refsys' Z axis
intersects the plane
- Child refsys direction - direction of the resulting refsys' X
- Projection of X axis - along the projection of the
refsys' X axis
- Projection of Y axis - along the projection of the
refsys' Y axis
- Projection of Z axis - along the projection of the
refsys' Z axis
Line - project a line onto the plane

Points - project to points onto the plane

- Point 1 tool - a tool with a point result
- Point 1 result - tool result to use
- Point 2 tool - a tool with a point result
- Point 2 result - tool result to use
- Child refsys origin - where to place the resulting origin
- Point 1 nearest point on plane - at point 1's nearest
point on the plane
- Point 2 nearest point on plane - at point 2's nearest
point on the plane
Note - the refsys' direction will be with the X axis along the
projection of the line from point 1 to point 2


ExecuteCmd support (see also executeCmd)
Return values