The component is used too locate the minimum distance between two
This tool computes the smallest distance between two polygons or paths.
A path is an open polygon. The algorithm assumes that the shortest distance
found either between a point from each polygon or between a point in one
polygon and an edge in the other.
NOTE1: The ROI should be set to "whole image". The image is ignored.
Setting the ROI will cause unecessary processing and increased execution
NOTE2: If the two polygons intersect, the algorithm will in general not
the correct intersection point and will not get a distance of zero. This is
because, as explained above, the smallest distance is always found between a
point and an edge, whereas in this case the correct shortest distance may be
between two intersecting edges. Note however, that if a polygon is only
intersecting the algorithm will work correctly.
Input to the Tool: |
Inputs: |
2. Configuration
- Input Polygons
- Polygon1/Polygon2 is a path (an open polygon)
- Simplify polygons or paths
- Tolerance
3. Draw
- Minimum Distance
- Show Distance Points
- Print Color
- DrawLine
- All distances
- Show all minimum distances from polygon1
- Show all minimum distances from polygon2
- Colors for all-minimum distance vectors
- Incoming polygons
- Draw
- Draw Point Markers
- Polygon Colors |
Visualization colors are given as text. Either by name or hex code:
Red, Yellow, Blue, White, BtnFace, etc....
$FFFF00 (=Cyan), $FF0000 (=Blue), etc...
The results reported returned are:
- Distance - the minimum distance
- Polygon1NearestPoint - nearest point on polygon 1 given
in incoming reference coord.
- Polygon2NearestPoint - nearest point on polygon 2 given
in incoming reference coord.
The STC-2011-0001-MinimumPolygonToPolygonDistance component is produced by Tordivel AS.
All rights reserved copyright 2011